Old avatars... going...going... gone!

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I wonder who among us would be able to match the most avatars to posters, based on memory alone.

I tried it, but for some reason every time I come across an avatar that looks familiar but I can't place, my brain immediately goes "Hylian." This is despite me knowing exactly which one is Hylian's.
I just haven't found anything I like as much as my avatar, not that I've been looking. Plus it helps when I'm scrolling really fast. I can always pick out my posts because my avatar is such a distinctive colour.
Out of all the ones I've used, I think the one in the link (Elseworlds Female Joker) and the Scar ones have been my favorite.


Staff member
I like keeping my avatar the same, because people changing theirs fucks with me. It wouldn't be so bad if we couldn't change our names and crap. For example, I didn't know Mathias was Chaz until recently.

My avatar just gets accessories. A monocle and top-hat, a cap, etc.

Also, I will always associate the Tom Cruise head-whirl-dance with Charlie Don't Surf.


Wow - yeah, that's going back a bit. I still like my avatar, though, so I'm sticking with it.

Don't suppose there's somewhere else we could save all these ("And on your left is the Halforums Museum, where you can see the avatars of our forefathers...")? I mean, other than "My hard drive."

"...and on your right, Gasbandit is in a shouting match with someone."

EDIT: Also, I just noticed - apparently, I'm about to be stabbed. This is annoying.
Managed to name about a hundred. 4 were definitely wrong, another 6-7 I'm unsure of.

Espy, Krisken, Shawnacy, Batdan, Vagabond, Dunny

grub, Chronos-HG, Candle Jack, Armadillo, CajunGal, Hylian, bhamv3, drawn_inward

jwhouk, Pojodan, Shegokigo, doomdragon, Iaculus, cvgurau

Edrondol, Zappit

Terrik, HCGLNS, SilverJelly, Bubbles181, GreenLantern, JustMe, ElJuski?, azurephoenix

Koko, bowielee?, LeQuack, Allen, who is Quiet, LittleSin, fade

Kitty Sinatra, cheesy1, CuyvalDar, tinwhistler, RoboKomodo

GeneralFuzzyMcBitty, Charlie Don't Surf, Necronic, phil

ntsc_dodgeman, MindDetective, Steve Soderburgin

chibibar, Gusto, Jake

Troll, Denbrought

sixpackshaker, Wahad, emrys?, bigcountry?, Enresshou, Shannow

figmentPez, dieb, evilmike, Soliliquy, Calleja

tegid, CrimsonSoul, drifter, twitchmoss, ThatNickGuy, Bumbletheboywonder

Han-Sagan, KenjiFister, ZenMonkey, racer_x, ravenpoe

superluser, ZenMonkey again(alt?), Philospher B.

Bizarro Gusto, bhamv2?,edzepp, klew

WasabiPoptart (WildSoul), yaomtc, wana10, AmorousEyes, HoboNinja, AshburnerX, Singularity.EXE?, GasBandit, GeneralSpecific, JCM

Reboneer, SeraRealm, Mav
I wonder who among us would be able to match the most avatars to posters, based on memory alone.

I tried it, but for some reason every time I come across an avatar that looks familiar but I can't place, my brain immediately goes "Hylian." This is despite me knowing exactly which one is Hylian's.
So you are saying that my name and posts are so bland and generic that they could easily be anyone you want them to be? :(


Staff member
Dear Halforums User:

I used to remember who said what, but when avatars started changing, it became too much of a bother to keep track. And since, I've found it doesn't really matter because I seem to piss off most people in the same manner anyway, so I just continue to operate under the assumption that
1) I've insulted you
2) We don't agree
3) You make bad decisions and your reasoning process is unsound.

Thank you and enjoy your signature Gas Bandit experience.

I'm always variations of my face, and I added the cowboy jelly in my signature -after it was shown to me by some user, i don't remember who- as a "secondary" avatar so you would recognize me!

Philosopher B.

I'm always meaning to get back around to the Curry, but Bolton-Gump is just too much fun.


It might be classless, but I'd say my description was kinder than the method of death itself.


No, sticking to the old guns would be calling you a "smoothie-brained idiot who vomits the same lines like a skipping record full of Lou Reed songs." But I was just pointing out how he died. Completely different.
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