Who wants to go on a field trip?

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Staff member
So, some of you guys may know that I really like a couple of Ayn Rands books (Anthem and Fountainhead), but I've never really been all that interested in the philosophical side of the whole thing, because I assumed it would be filled with pedantic philosophers. But recently I went and registered on an objectivism forum and looked around and registered to see what it was really like in there.

But boy howdy those are some nutjobs in there. In fact calling them philosophers is a bit of stretch. Religious zealots is a more accurate term.

Anyways, I think a big part of their problem is that they operate in a circle jerk vacuum, and there is little I disdain more than the intellectual who refuses to challenge his views.

So, I started thinking it would be fun if a large group of people (from all sorts of philosophical backgrounds) went and registered there and started posting in there and throwing in their views. Really shit up the place you know? But who could I bring in for such a task? Where could I find a hive of such wretched scum and villainy?

Ah yes. There you guys are. So who's interested?

edit: Oh yeah, thought I should include a link to the place eh?

edit2: I'm removing the link until Dave sancitons this. Dude please sanction it.

I would suggest not going straight from the link though, if we do then a webmaster worth much of a damn would figure out that all these new accounts were coming from here.


Staff member
Do we really want to do this? I don't want to put up with any blowback that would probably occur.


Staff member
well hey, the worst thing that could happen is that a couple of them come in here and then you can have Gas Bandit and Krisken do that whole Night at the Roxbury dance on them until they break down and start crying.

Would be pretty funny.

Edit: I mean ffs dude they have a section of their forum asking for "Objectivist Video Games" and asking whether Rand would sanction playing WoW.

Edit2: But yeah I mean this is your forum so I don't want to be causing you troubles or anything. And it doens't have to be trolling. I mean, if Charlie Dont Surf were just to go in there and start posting his views you would start hearing choruses of "Shun the unclean!!!!" and hissing noises.


this never goes wrong. Remember our little dance with Forumopolis? We got Charlie from that.
Official Halforums invasion? Bad idea. Now, if you want to PM the link to a small, elite team, acting unofficially so that Dave can disavow all knowledge? Well, we can't really stop you from doing that, now can we?
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