[TV] The Doctor Who Thread


Staff member
The 'rian' in her name makes me think that Madam Kovarian is some clever anagram for something something Rani. Ah well, only one way to find out...
Romana coming back with her own version of K-9 was badass! Now having two redheads to look at is amazing.
I dunno man, as nice as she is I thought it was a cop-out. I mean, ''timey-wimey'' notwithstanding, what was she even doing outside the Timelock, without a warp-point star. They neglected to mention that - hell, they didn't even give us a chamelon-circuit-watch explanation. She just....showed up.
Um hello, she was never in the time war, she was in an alternate dimension. They just Rose Tylered her back in to be a foil for the River/Doctor triangle!
So finally saw the finale and...it was good, but it was something of a disappointment. I can't put my finger on what, but I think it was just that there was a lot of timey-wimey and not a lot of explanation as to why. Why touching River Song would put everything back, etc. And it was a cop out using the micro-assassin dudes, but I guess there had to be some kind of a cop-out.

Plus, I really, really doubt that River whispered to David Tennant "Look in my eye."


Staff member
So finally saw the finale and...it was good, but it was something of a disappointment. I can't put my finger on what, but I think it was just that there was a lot of timey-wimey and not a lot of explanation as to why. Why touching River Song would put everything back, etc. And it was a cop out using the micro-assassin dudes, but I guess there had to be some kind of a cop-out.

Plus, I really, really doubt that River whispered to David Tennant "Look in my eye."
River from the Silence in Library was actually Teselecta! It all makes sense!
Apparently David Tennant felt the same way, since the Doctor's Daughter there has in fact borne the Tenth Doctor a daughter.
I rather liked the finale, personally. Well-acted, a couple good twists that didn't feel contrived, and an ending that made me go "Oh, that's clever" instead "Bullshit!"


Staff member
I rather liked the finale, personally. Well-acted, a couple good twists that didn't feel contrived, and an ending that made me go "Oh, that's clever" instead "Bullshit!"
I agree with you, a lot of people were upset that the Tesselecta(sp?) was a cop-out, but I kind of enjoyed it. The doctor gave 'em a lecture in Let's Kill Hitler, and they kind of redeemed themselves.
Look on the bright side, we get to have internet duels about who would be the best 12th Doctor then we get to nerd rage our disagreement at whoever they do cast. In the end. nerd rage :D
Looks like they might try making a Doctor Who movie.


I'm not sure how to feel about this. On one hand, not involving it with the story or the people involved with the series gives me a gut reaction of unpleasantness. On the other hand, a good out-of-continuity single adventure could be a nice way to introduce the more average person to Doctor Who and what it's about.
Setting the movie off in its own little universe gives it good space to grow. People in the comments on the article that bring up Star Trek comparisons seem to forget that the two film series that tied closely to the continuity of the shows (TOS and TNG, respectively) both came after their respective shows had ended their television runs. The new films, while tied to the old series, occupy a continuity all their own.

In short, so long as it doesn't suffer a case of Americanitis, I'm all for a Doctor Who re-imagined film series. Keep the show around doing its thing, make the movie a square one reboot.
I wonder if there was any executive meddling....

"You know that Doctor Who property would make a good First Person Shooter, what with all them Cyber-Men and Daleks to kill..."