[Brazelton] Steve Jobs Has Died

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I tend to agree, actually. I tend to lump a lot more than electronics into that category, too. I used to be really strongly against owning stuff. Until I got married everything I owned fit in my 1985 Ford Escort. All that being said, it doesn't change the level of influence he had.
We can’t say for sure that Steve would still be alive and making lives better were it not for the alternative therapy, but the statistics suggest it very strongly. If you insist on unproven therapies, fine; but also try the proven ones. Nobody likes to either write or read a post such as this one.
Gosh. I haven't heard this sort of talk since May 16, 1990.

Guys even with advanced medical treatment, Pancreatic cancer has a very low survivability 5 years after diagnosis. Jobs made it pretty damn far, and he had a shit ton of resources and money to treat it. That's actually pretty scary if you think of it. If you're an average Joe diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, you essentially are going to die.
He actually had a rare form of cancer that is no where near as bad as the normal types, and would have probably lived longer if he didn't wait 9 months to get surgery.
He actually had a rare form of cancer that is no where near as bad as the normal types, and would have probably lived longer if he didn't wait 9 months to get surgery.
Well it's decided then, bastard deserved it. Okay guys we can go home now!


I'm just hoping I never have to make those decisions. So many what-ifs would drive me crazy.
in my defense I imagine B could kick just about anyone's ass, also I don't know why but I liked her from day one, we never really interacted or anything, she just seems even keeled LOL. :D
Basically, that shit. I'm not gonna say I'm glad he's dead but I sure as hell am not gonna be too broken up over it.
Hey, if it weren't for Apple, Foxcon would never have installed that anti-suicide netting on the sides of their buildings.

So... you know... that's good.
Basically, that shit. I'm not gonna say I'm glad he's dead but I sure as hell am not gonna be too broken up over it.
Richard Stallman took care of that for you.

That's the voice of the FOSS movement. That's the guy that put the stick up the stick up the stick up Debian's butt so they can give us crap like IceWeasel. Seriously?

Ya know what, Dick? Fuck FOSS. Double fuck you. Apple's stuff just works. Windows' stuff just works. This is why Linux will never go beyond the IT department and hipsters.



Who DOESN'T take advantage of Chinese sweatshop? A lot of companies setup factory in China because of lack of regulation, safety, and people's welfare. This is why the products are cheaper. Can you imagine the cost if it was made in the U.S.? Sure we turn a "blind eye" when it comes to stuff we want, but at the end of the day, a lot of products we use today are from Asian countries.

There is no doubt that Steve Jobs was a dictator in his company, but it is his method that brought Apple to household names today.

My wife and I just had this conversation this morning on the way to work. Steve Jobs took a product and bring it to next evolution of it. Sony Walkman was the big name and there was some early version of "iPod" that was like 16MB or something until iPod came out and took the world by storm. Same with phones and later iPads.
Sometimes you have to have an iron fist control to really push people to the next level.


So...Chibi's a fascist.
Possible :) more of a realist.
People start business to make money. It is a base line really. Sure they can make a cool product or provide excellent service, but at the end of the day, it is all about the profit margin.
Different countries have different rules on how to run a business. The U.S. have rules in place for safety of their worker. Physically in terms of safety standards in the work place. Emotionally/psychologically in terms of personal protection from discrimination and harassment (Labor laws) . Financially in terms of minimal wages and basic rights. Other countries (like China) not so much

It is interesting that it is CHEAPER to ship the raw materials to China, produce it, and ship it BACK and still be CHEAPER than to produce the whole thing at home (in the U.S.)
Are there really people naive enough to think that they don't touch stuff made in chinese workshops?

Here's who Foxconn makes stuff for:

So... have fun if anyone wants to try and play high and mighty.


Are there really people naive enough to think that they don't touch stuff made in chinese workshops?

Here's who Foxconn makes stuff for:

So... have fun if anyone wants to try and play high and mighty.
Sadly, there ARE people who think that. Some people just can't grasp that we are now in global economy. There is no "U.S. only" to survive in this business world, you have to work with other countries to increase your profit margin.

China tried that YEARS ago (being self contain) and it was hurting them. By opening trade route again, China is now a major economic force.
Possible :) more of a realist.
People start business to make money. It is a base line really. Sure they can make a cool product or provide excellent service, but at the end of the day, it is all about the profit margin.
Different countries have different rules on how to run a business. The U.S. have rules in place for safety of their worker. Physically in terms of safety standards in the work place. Emotionally/psychologically in terms of personal protection from discrimination and harassment (Labor laws) . Financially in terms of minimal wages and basic rights. Other countries (like China) not so much

It is interesting that it is CHEAPER to ship the raw materials to China, produce it, and ship it BACK and still be CHEAPER than to produce the whole thing at home (in the U.S.)
A) "Realist" is textbook cynic slang for fascist.

B) It's great that Job's techniques made him a savvy businessman. But he still exploited sweatshops and cut a shit ton of charity programs to become one. Still a dick.


A) "Realist" is textbook cynic slang for fascist.

B) It's great that Job's techniques made him a savvy businessman. But he still exploited sweatshops and cut a shit ton of charity programs to become one. Still a dick.
Well, then you might as well call every capitalist a dick then cause I can assure you that most of them use China in one form or another (especially electronic since they control 90% of rare earth materials market)

Also, if you really feel that way, then you might want to consider what you are buying. Check from raw materials to finish products. Not many products are purely made in a single location anymore.
Chibi, you've just been called a "fascist" twice in one thread.

I think you have won the internet my friend.
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