[Brazelton] Steve Jobs Has Died

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Well, then you might as well call every capitalist a dick then cause I can assure you that most of them use China in one form or another (especially electronic since they control 90% of rare earth materials market)

Also, if you really feel that way, then you might want to consider what you are buying. Check from raw materials to finish products. Not many products are purely made in a single location anymore.
That's pretty much what people call big capitalists. Dicks. They are dicks. There are very few that seem to elicit such admiration that people seem to have for Jobs.
Well, then you might as well call every capitalist a dick-

And I'm not one of those "Only buy American" peeps either. ;)

You're missing the point of what I'm saying. I'm not saying "Don't support _____ because they use China!" I'm saying he's a dick. I support dicks all the time. ( :unibrow: ) As B mentioned earlier, I AM a dick. So when I die don't treat me as this God. Treat me like a dick.



Staff member
"Dick" is a relative term in this case. The point is, if everyone is a dick, then is anyone really a dick? Dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick.




Instead of making a new thread ;) (plus it kinda relates)
While the article said Steve Jobs is more of a tweaker than inventor, that is probably true. There are not many things that you could "invent" (well there are things like force field and food replicator) but most of the stuff are build upon from previous technology. Make things easier to use.

Maybe if Bill Gates DID try to perfect Windows more (i.e. perfectionist) it might be easier to use product and sell more perhaps and Mr Gates can use even more money for the forces of good.
In contrast, Jobs' vision, brilliant and perfect as it was, was narrow.
To a degree he has a point. Every "brilliant" person has, or can be attributed to have, a "Big huge unobtainable goal"

Jobs wants to revolutionize how people use computers.
Google wants to revolutionize how people find information.
Gates wants to eradicate malaria. (which kills nearly 1 million people per year - about half as many as aids kills)

Jobs and Google are fixing first world problems - these will improve the lives of a small percentage of the world population, and arguably won't save many lives.

Gates is fixing a second and third world problem, and should it be realized will be saving the lives of nearly a million people each year.

I don't think the two can be compared readily.

But if we were to compare them - Gates already changed the world with Windows. Been there, done that, and he found a new goal. Steve was still trying to change the world once by the time he died. He could be said to have revolutionized, perhaps, music, in some small way with the iPod, but he didn't change the industry, nevermind the lives of all the first-worlders, nevermind the whole world. Windows was the lucky kid in hte brawl of the early OS/abstraction systems, and it won, and not only changed the computing industry, but it could be argued transformed how people live and work in the first world, and how easily they can help the second and third world.

Of course, the terms "first/second/third world" are not terribly useful, but hopefully the point is clear.

Steve did a lot of awesome work. He probably wasn't necessarily chasing Gates, nor could it be said that gates "won" in any sense, but I don't think you can compare the impact the two have left on the world. Maybe the impact on the personal computer industry, but even that's going to be difficult without honestly saying that gates did more, and did better in total. Jobs wasn't after these things though, and wasn't competing for them - so can you say he lost in a game he wasn't really playing?

If Steve had lived to see his vision of a world without "computers" and everyone carrying an apple phone or ipad, beating out android, etc, then one might be able to claim that he compares favorably against gates in terms of changing the first world.

But he still wouldn't have been credited with saving millions of lives by eradicating a major disease - assuming the gates foundation succeeds.

I think, in fact, that he was poised to lose to android. He was so focused on beauty and usability - a lofty and good goal, to be sure - that he couldn't compete on total features. He lost to windows even though windows was ugly and non-usable. Largely because it was cheaper, commoditized, and open.

By comparison, Jobs sought to control everything, and as can be seen by how each and every app is reviewed, is continuing that trend.

Yes, as a result android is uglier, crashes more frequently, etc - just as windows was back in the day.

But guess who won that war?

If apple continues to follow job's playbook, the phone war is theirs to lose.

There is a market for beauty, there will always be a market for usability, but those markets will necessarily be smaller than the quick-to-market, cheap, and usable commoditized equipment others produce.


stienman: I like that :) I agree with you. Now of course in time, maybe it is possible to have a beautiful and easy to use item and CHEAP! ;)
When I say Jobs changed my life, I don't mean the iPhone or iPod, but the Apple ][e in every classroom that could use one when I was a kid. THAT changed the world.

Gates is just trying to fix his image after 30 years of being Ebenezer Scrooge... Gates also has the chance to live out his retirement and spend his pinched millions and billions to affect the third world's lives. It is a grand gesture. But it is an opportunity Jobs did not receive do to his untimely death.
Gates is just trying to fix his image after 30 years of being Ebenezer Scrooge... Gates also has the chance to live out his retirement and spend his pinched millions and billions to affect the third world's lives. It is a grand gesture. But it is an opportunity Jobs did not receive do to his untimely death.
Really??? :confused:
While I don't mean to belittle your experience, there is a distinct difference between your world being changed, and someone changing the world.

I too learned a lot from the apple II, and that PC was a game changer for many.

But to say that gates is merely trying to fix his image is interesting. Do you know the man? What I've read doesn't suggest that he cares what people think about him. Life, to him, is about the challenge.

But it seems your hate is based on personal feelings, which I can't begrudge. There are many people who feel that Gates personally wronged them.
I think Gates did experience some sort of change. I know many people nagged him about how having that kind of wealth imparted some sort of responsibility to make the world a better place. Maybe he took it to heart.

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