[Other] So, that Felicia Day Dragon Age thing happened

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I haven't seen the live-action or the game mod, but my friend Ruth, who is a fiend for Dragon Age DLC, said her module was interminable and that Talis was the worst kind of Mary Sue character she'd seen in-game. Personally, I won't pass judgement until I have seen it.
I played a COMPLETELY LEGAL AND PAID FOR version of the DLC, because I obviously have self loathing issues. It was fucking terrible. Wanna know what you didn't expect them to shoehorn into Dragon Age 2? FORCED STEALTH! It was easy and completely not fun.

Her character in the game was as fucking awful as it was in the short except the game character is all stretched out and fucking gross looking like PROPER Dragon Age 2 elves.

I think Felicia Day is seriously hot and I think she has an objectively awesome singing voice.

I don't feel any need to watch that video though.
Frank's post still makes me laugh hard.

Should be a post of the week award 'round these parts.
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