not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

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Well, I'm not an expert, but before you try and figure out what she might want out of this, you might want to ask yourself what you're looking for out of it. If you don't know where you stand, how are you going to figure out where it's going?


Staff member
Yeah, I know you're flatly going to deny it, but it sure sounds like you're deluding yourself about not feeling any emotional connection to this girl.
Shego's been pretty clear on both not wanting a relationship and that she and this girl don't have much in common for activities besides sex despite marginally related interests.

Shego, let me lay it down for you. Your options are:

- Manning up
- Therapy
- Cowering in a corner singing "All by Myself" while being convinced no woman will ever have you

Nothing else.
@ Null - I want exactly what we have right now. It's perfect for my current life situation. My ridiculously long hours at work, coupled in with the hours I like to spending drinking + gaming by myself, while being able to pick up a phone at anytime and get easy action? I'm quite happy with it. Maybe I'm just being paranoid that it's "too perfect" and around corner is disaster....

@ Fade - You're right, I am going to deny it because I can't see myself with this girl anywhere past what we have right now. I can't see myself doing the romantic nights out, sleeping over at my place, moving in, etc. Just don't "click" that way.

@ Esc - Those are my options eh? I wonder if the therapist will mind me singing while I'm grabbing my crotch, while standing on her couch saying "Bitches don't know about my dick"
Well, Sheegy Weegy, if things are exactly how you want them, then why do you want to change things? In your own words, you feel like you're wasting her time. You don't think she's looking for anything more, but you are thinking about breaking it off with her. It makes a person wonder if you're really as happy with the situation as you claim. Maybe you are. All I know is what you've shared here.
Well, Sheegy Weegy, if things are exactly how you want them, then why do you want to change things? In your own words, you feel like you're wasting her time. You don't think she's looking for anything more, but you are thinking about breaking it off with her. It makes a person wonder if you're really as happy with the situation as you claim. Maybe you are. All I know is what you've shared here.
Yeah, but you don't know about 3 pages worth of neurosis and problems that make happiness IMPOSSIBLE.[/HF Relationship Thread Truths]

I'm gonna stop for now. There's less material in this than I thought.

I think you answered your own question, Shego, in that it seems too good to be true. I say ride it out as-is, and don't let that paranoia be the thing that stops it from being as good for you as it is. Eventually there's a chance one of you is either going to want more or want out. But don't ruin what you have by looking for that axe to fall--since you're both doing what you do happily right now, it really doesn't matter what's to come since you're not interested in preserving this as a relationship afterward anyway.
@ Null - I don't want things to change. I would just rather call things quits than have to deal with the drama that would come if they did. I wouldn't have a clue how to look her in the face, after sleeping with her 3x a week for 2 months and say "Oh no sorry, totally not interested in you that way". I know I'm thinking about something that hasn't/might not happen, but it's just been on my mind recently, again only because I haven't been in a situation like this for a loooooong time.

@ Esc - Kind of answered your stealth edit with my response to Null. I know it's dumb, I guess I just needed to rant and hear from others that it's as dumb as I thought it was.
Fair enough. I'm not in your situation so I can't really offer any advice, but good luck whichever way it goes down.
Hey, your advice = Always welcome.
Well, the only thing I can advise is just enjoy it while it lasts, because there's no point in borrowing trouble, and by just breaking it off you might find yourself in exactly the mess of drama you want to avoid. I mean, think of it from her perspective - things are going great, no pressure, then all of a sudden, you up and ditch her. She's going to want to know why and that's not going to be pretty.
Damn Terrik, I'm sorry to hear it man. On the plus side, you're in the middle of a sea fully of cute asian chicks, so it can't all be bad right? ;) Spending time with my brother, drinking + gaming on a few day binge really helped me out when I had the big break-up a while back.
Thanks, and you're right :) . These last couple days have helped a lot. She wanted to see me last night, but I refused on the grounds that I was emotionally unstable and any decision that I would make would be one without clear thought. However...I have agreed to meet ZZ this week to discuss our decision so we'll see what happens.
Thanks, and you're right :) . These last couple days have helped a lot. She wanted to see me last night, but I refused on the grounds that I was emotionally unstable and any decision that I would make would be one without clear thought. However...I have agreed to meet ZZ this week to discuss our decision so we'll see what happens.
Major props to you, man. That was the right way to go.
@ Null - I don't want things to change. I would just rather call things quits than have to deal with the drama that would come if they did. I wouldn't have a clue how to look her in the face, after sleeping with her 3x a week for 2 months and say "Oh no sorry, totally not interested in you that way".
You don't want to hurt her. While you don't care for her as a girlfriend, you do care for her as a person. Even if both of you went into this eyes open as a purely physical relationship, you know from experience that such relationships very often become more meaningful to one partner or the other.

It's about this length of time where that happens, and the holidays complicate things as people begin to wonder if they should invite their sex buddy to their gatherings.

Chances are, shego, that your instincts are right. If you want to avoid the risk of drama, you should pay attention to what your gut is saying.

Relationships, however, are risky, and the risk goes two ways. She's not a child to be protected, and she knows your character well enough. Don't change the nature of your relationship to protect what you *think* she *might* want.

And no, you don't need therapy. They're still looking for the body of your last therapist.

The fools.
Yay, it's virus time!

Now instead of being productive, I get to spend the evening backing up my important files, then wiping the hard drive and reinstalling Windows 7. Hooray!


When I tell you I just want to vent, and that I'm not looking for an answer...if you don't want to listen, that;s fine, you can say so...but don't rush me to "get to the point."
I am about to turn into Howard Hughes. Well, just the fear of germs part. Not the fabulously wealthy playboy, who's out banging all the Hollywood royalty...
1: The Friday before Columbus Day, I was offered an opportunity to work for 2x pay per hour if I worked on that day. I was already scheduled Saturday and Sunday off, Columbus day would have made a 3rd day off in a row. I also was already going to get 8hrs of Holiday pay for it. After consideration, I asked "If I work 5hrs, will I still get the 3 Holiday hours to complete a full 8hr shift for the day?" I was told yes. I said that I would work from 2pm-7pm (As I could sleep in after enjoying Sat/Sun) and did just that. Well I checked my labor hours just yesterday and noticed that for Columbus Day, I was only showing 5hrs of pay. So I went to the same person who I had asked before to find out why I wasn't getting the extra 3 hours and she says "Oh it doesn't work that way, I thought it did but it doesn't". In my mind I had that moment of "I am going to break this chair over your head, grab a sharp piece that breaks off, and stab you in the face till you're nothing but a bloodly lumpy mess of meat on the floor".

2: The same day I find out about the fuck-me-over on pay, I go to my comic shop to pick up my 6-7 issues for the week, plus the 1 issue I didn't get last week. Owner says, we didn't get a full shipment so I only have 3 of your comics and I still haven't gotten the one you're missing from last week. So instead of my 7-8 comics, I walked out with 3.

3: I go back to my car, already annoyed with the day overall, and put my key in the door of my car, turn it..... and nothing. My door no longer unlocks/locks with a key. I had to go in through my passenger side, crawl over and get into the driver's seat. Un-fucking-belivable.

4: Final nail in the coffin, I had requested this Friday off, as I already had Saturday off, because I wanted to enjoy my Blizzcon feed. I've watched every Blizzcon since release and this year was supposed to be no exception. I come into work today and am told that I need to stay until the lunch hours are covered. Meaning I wouldn't get home till 2-3 (Blizzcon starts at 1). Fuck, no. I'm leaving work tomorrow at 12:30, come hell or high water.


Staff member
I need a steady job in camera work/editing or I'm going to lose my mind.

Also, my brother is in the midsts of a divorce because his wife drunk dialed me thinking i was her boy-on-the-side-of-the-same-name. So I'm in this weird position.


Staff member
Dear T-Mobile. Stop using "web" as a tech buzzword. When you say "unlimited talk, text and web" in your advertisements, it makes you sound obsolete. The vast majority of smartphone operations requiring network useage is done via apps, not a web browser (though most phones do have a web browser APP). You sound like somebody's out-of-touch dad asking if the kids are going to a sock-hop... or, more sinisterly, you sound like your "unlimited web" enticement is a slimy way to put in a "gotcha" for data charges. "You used 50 megabytes of data this month, you owe $500 more on your phone bill this month." "But.. but... I have unlimited data!" "No, you have unlimited WEB. You can browse all the webpages you want... but any downloads from the amazon mp3 store, streams over the youtube app, etc are excluded because they're not HTML."

You twits.
Last night at work was truly repugnant. Three fucking gross things, of different types, in one evening shift - and of course it's the one night a week I'm the only person in my department.

First and foremost, there was the woman who used our library's "quiet study computer room" as a nursery, and changed her baby's diaper right between two of the terminals. There is a ladies restroom not 30 feet away with (if it's anything like the men's restroom) a changing station. She left the dirty diaper and a couple of soiled wet napkins in the room's garbage.

Secondly, as I was shutting down for the night a student pointed out a tube of some kind under one of the desks. She suggested someone had been sniffing glue. As it turns out, it was a depleted tube of herpes sore medication.

And to top it all off for the night, I spotted a bottle tucked behind one of the plush chairs we have along the walls. It looked like it had iced tea in it. It was a water bottle that someone had been using as a spittoon.

Nights like this I wonder if unemployment would really be worse.

Of course, this was on top of the printers going offline every half-hour, and the new network security system locking all the student accounts - because the best way to keep a system secure is to prevent anyone from using it.
In-laws coming to visit. Got here after 2-day drive, father-in-law kicked mother-in-law out of hotel room so he could get drunk and watch whatever sport is on TV right now.

I fell down the frakkin' stairs this morning. Hurt my back, bruised a kidney, and from the way my neck and head feel, managed to give myself whiplash. Then, to add insult to injury, as I lay there, I was attacked by many doom weasels demanding their breakfast.
Dogs will mourn your death; cats will eat you. Doom weasels won't even wait for you to die.
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