First, a reference image:
So, I started with a construction paper cutout as a sort of stencil so I could get the shape right without destroying anything expensive:
I traced the shield shape out of cardboard, one with the grain and one against the grain for strength. I then glued them together with spray adhesive:
Next, I measured where my son's arm would go on the shield, and cut out slits for two straps (from the nearest hardware store):
After both straps were in right, I made a third cutout of the shield using foam board to get the front shiny, and glued that to the front of the shield with spray adhesive:
I still need to color the front brown, and decorate the front with craft felt (was the closest thing I could find). So here's where the shield is at now:
As for the sword, here's a reference image:
I made several cutouts for the sword pieces:
To start, I traced two blade parts out of craft foam, and then taped the edges together using foil tape:
After the edges were taped tightly, I inserted a rounded wooden dowel (again, hardware store) 1/2" in diameter to give the sword structure and add a little notch in the middle to make the blade look a little more realistic:
I then carefully covered the rest of the blade in foil tape and smoothed it out with the other half of the dowel:
Next, I cut out a handguard out of craft foam, and notched both the blade and the handguard so they'd fit together without spinning in the dowel. I then covered the handguard in duct tape and taped it to the blade. So here's where that is now:
For this, I still need to finish the handle with orange tape I bought and the round nub at the end I cut out of craft foam.