[News] Confession of a gold scammer? HA! he is not sorry

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Yea. He said he is sorry now cause he was caught. It was a company he created. He setup the scam to get people's money. He is only sorry is caught. HA!

Edit: This is not a WoW gold farmer. Basically he setup a fake company that suppose to help you buy gold as investment. People gave him tons of money and he issue these "certificate" that suppose to say you own x amount of golds.

Edit: he made around 30 million dollars.


no. Basically the guy setup a fake gold trading company (actual gold) so he got a team to call up people and convince people to invest into his "gold exchange" (i.e. gold bars and such) the guy ran off with 30 million dollars and he was caught.
If you're going to invest in gold... either invest in an actual gold company... or real physical gold. People are greedy and stupid to fall for this crap.

Also, the guy is a total douche and I hope they throw the book at him.
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