So I'm currently a contractor for Dow and I drive a train for about 34-36k a year, I applied for a new job where my dad and took the battery test for it today (it was easy, use of information and mechanical aptitude stuff). At the test they said they are hiring 10-15 people. Now if I get this job it will raise my salary from 35ishk a year to about 45k a year, after the first year I'll be at just under 60k a year and after 3 years I'll be at just under 80k a year, that's without working any overtime (of which there is plenty of). There were about 100 other testers including me. I would have to say I'm about 85-90% sure I'll get this job and I so hope I do, my dad said he could get me an interview so that should help a lot. I'll know in around 2 weeks when they get the test results back, cross fingers for me!