Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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I haven't been in this thread for over a week. @Mike: I'm so sorry, dude. I'm glad you could be there to say goodbye.

@Gusto: I've been there, man. Sucks ass. But you never know with these things. My grandfather was told he was gonna go and he basically gave death the finger and stuck around almost 10 more years.
"I embarrassed myself over the internet." Just a minor thing, yes? NO.

Because I made an ass of myself and hurt the feelings of another living, breathing human being just as if they were standing in front of me. I said the wrong things for the wrong reasons, and caused offense to someone I did not mean to cause offense to. My words were hurtful, mean-spirited, and said in anger directed at nobody in particular.

I fucked up. Again. And I feel bad about it. Again.
"I embarrassed myself over the internet." Just a minor thing, yes? NO.

Because I made an ass of myself and hurt the feelings of another living, breathing human being just as if they were standing in front of me. I said the wrong things for the wrong reasons, and caused offense to someone I did not mean to cause offense to. My words were hurtful, mean-spirited, and said in anger directed at nobody in particular.

I fucked up. Again. And I feel bad about it. Again.
Okay, I'm the one who jumped up and down on you... and even I'll say not to take it so seriously. We had a heated argument, and I won't deny I didn't much like what you said. Aside from that, just move on. It's done and over with. I wouldn't say I was hurt, I just strongly disagreed with what you were saying. Don't feel guilty, just move on. And if what you said in that thread was true about the "red mist" clouding your judgment and what you say, just try to keep a clear head next time.


Staff member
My godmother has died. I was told today... apparently she died on Friday, but nobody wanted to tell me that over the phone. I haven't seen her much in the past few years, but I remember her fondly. A little old lady who never seemed to lose her smile, no matter what... She's making angels smile now.


*hugs North_Ranger* I am sorry to hear that. It's sweet that you think of her so fondly. I don't even know who my godmother is.


Staff member
Thanks, guys... I have to admit, I didn't have the guts to ask what she died of. She had suffered from cancer a few years back, and there had been some pretty major complications with her surgery :( Guess I'm chicken-shit that way, but I just couldn't ask that question.


I can't even go to her funeral. It's the height of the flu season here, and due to chemo my immune system keeps getting shot to hell. I'll just have to bring flowers to her grave if I get to go to my old hometown to my parents' for Christmas.


Staff member
My right arm stopped working while I was making a (very) late breakfast. It's still not responding right after more than a half hour. This has happened before, but not in months. Grr!

Also, OWWWWWWWW! Hurts like it's being torn apart when I try to move it.
My right arm stopped working while I was making a (very) late breakfast. It's still not responding right after more than a half hour. This has happened before, but not in months. Grr!

Also, OWWWWWWWW! Hurts like it's being torn apart when I try to move it.
That's... not good. So what causes your arm to cease functioning?


Staff member
That's... not good. So what causes your arm to cease functioning?
I'm seeing a doctor, and my medical history is a long story. Current diagnosis is a long-term wide-spread fungal infection that went undiagnosed for more than a decade and left my endocrine system in such a mess that crap like this happens.


I am sick of people not doing what they say they are going to do! I have had two meetings fall through this week because people are wish washy pains in the ass. HARUMPH.
I talk a lot. Sometimes my brain goes a little faster than my mouth though and I get myself into a teensy weensy bit of trouble.

My assistant here at work just started going to Toastmasters (which I've been doing for several years now). I had added it to her performance development plan as we do speak in public quite a lot. Her goal for the 2nd half of the year was to sign up, which she has done. And today was her first meeting.

And it went very well for her. She was asked to speak for 2 minutes on a random topic, she gave good feedback and afterwards she said she really enjoyed it. She's even offered to do her icebreaker speech very soon. Although she started laughing and said "On my plan, it only said I have to sign up, not to speak! I'm going to save my speech for next year's plan."

And I, in my infinite wisdom, said "Yeah, you don't want to shoot your load too soon."

*deafening silence throughout the department*

And then a laughter which will live on through the ages as I just shook my head at myself .

She took the time to laughingly scold me for "inappropriate things to say in the workplace" after I had just spent 3 minutes chiding someone else for making an off-colour joke.
Or you could go the Milton Berle route and go with "Pull out just enough to win." Sexual without being too obvious about it.
Does it say something about me that I would have used the same phrase as you and then just not given a shit?
Ordinarily I wouldn't have cared as much if

a) I hadn't just been castigating someone else for being off-colour.
b) Said it front of employees.
c) Typically presented myself as a little more eloquent than that.
Last night my mum had a heart attack. Apparently she is doing well now although I have yet to actually speak with her and have been just getting second hand info from my younger sister. Everyone is telling me I need to get there and see her, that I'll regret it if something else happens and I never made the trip. And I see that, and want to get down there as soon as possible, but I do not have the money for it right now which makes me feel like a selfish ass. I am severely conflicted right now.

Edit: Caved and booked it anyway. Flying out Friday.
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