Skyrim Mods YOU Want!

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There's already plenty of mods for Skyrim, but obviously there hasn't been much time for a whole lot to come out. This is a place for you to post mods that YOU want to see! And if you know of a mod that someone mentions, post it!


As for me, I'm underwhelmed by Skyrim. It's definitely fun, but it isn't amazing and everywhere I look I feel like there's so much to be improved upon.

Anyway, here are a few mods I'd like to see:

- Feed Horses : I didn't want to buy a horse, and I didn't want to steal from the city. Later, I found a group of bandits and took them out. They had a horse that no longer had an owner, as they were all dead. I thought to myself, "Perfect! An ex-bandit horse to be my best friend forever!" I hopped on and rode off into the distance. When I dismounted, it sauntered off though back to its dead owners. I'd like a mod where you can feed a horse a food (or several) to gain its loyalty and have it join you. Each horse could even have a different "favorite food" (apples, carrots, etc) so that you have to try some foods before it joins you.

- Lesser Health/Magicka Regeneration : This one already kinds of exists, but you regenerate way too quickly in this game. I've never once used a single health or magicka potion because it all comes back almost immediately. I went into the console and set the regen to 0.05 (it's normally 0.7) so that you regen verrrrrrry slowly over time, but not anywhere near enough to rely on it. You're just likely to heal after a long time of wandering around. This made it so that I finally had to be concerned about my health, and I started thinking, "I shouldn't jump from this high," and "Better have a potion, in case," and, "Careful with that magic use." Before this, it was akin to modern shooting games where you take 30 bullets to the face and heal by sitting behind a wall for 10 seconds.

- Hunger System : The food restores health or stamina. And stamina regens so quickly it could never matter anyway. Food won't restore more than a potion, and cooking isn't worth the effort, so why fucking bother with food at all? There should be a hunger system to keep you on your toes and make sure you're eating. Get too hungry, stats start dropping. Starving takes health away. Etc. Cooked foods restore more. Wee.

- Sleep Needed : Sleep is a side-note at best. You might wake "rested" or "well-rested", but I didn't notice any difference at all. There should be a sleep system based on hours awake. You cannot take on the legions of undead and not come out wanting a nap afterwards. Get low on sleep, vision becomes blurry, stats drop, etc.

I understand not many would want to play this way, but I do. This game is too damn easy as it stands and I want something more to focus on than "kill bandit".

- Harder Enemies : Oh, harder enemies would be good too. I actually have to cripple myself so that I don't kill everything in one or two hits.

There's plenty more I wouldn't mind seeing, but this is what's standing out to me at the moment.

What about you guys?

Edit: Another one:

- A Potion Rack : I want a mod where I can "Activate" a Potion Rack like I can a Bookshelf or Weapon Rack. I want to be able to display my potions and crap but not have to fucking set them on the shelves.
Maybe it's because I play at the harder difficulty, but fuck, I go through potions like a meth addict with an ounce. Try turning up the difficulty because while regular bandits will still go down with 1-2 hits no matter what it's set to, those thugs, marauders, chiefs etc all get pretty tough.

I want a fully fleshed out texture mod, there's one in progress right now and it look promising, I just don't want to use it until it changes the whole world. Having only part of the world in higher def textures is worse than none of it to me.

A house mod with decent storage options. All of the houses in Skyrim blow and I hate to think it but it's probably because the DLC they have planned comes with neat, awesome residences. Loot at Oblivion, 80% of the DLC was cool new residences. Mainly, I want a full forge, workbench, grindstone, tanning rack and smelter suite.


Staff member
I upped my difficulty to Expert and used the console to turn Healrate to 0.05 (just enough to be more than not-at-all) and Magicka regen to 0.2.

This has improved the game a lot for me. Things are a bit tougher, and I actually have "oh shit I'ma die" moments. Potions, once something I never used ever, are now a precious commodity that I must use or save. Food, once completely ignored, I scoop up whenever I can and cook it whenever I can as well. I actually even HUNTED for meat so that I could regain some health, which I never would have done before.

I collect more ingredients for potions now that they matter.

Basically, the game got a lot better for me with that little tweak. Hell, even before I could jump off cliffs and shit because my health would be back in seconds. Now, jumping off a cliff would cripple me for quite some time.

Thing is, I have to enter this into the console every time I load a save, so I would definitely love a mod that integrates it.
So there's this post, right? What I would want the most is an option to explore the entirety of Tamriel, utilizing this option. There was a world-building mod project for Morrowind, back in the day, and as a lore-fan this is something I've always dreamed of. Either as an official expansion or a mod, I don't care, but the option is there and ohmygod I want it.
Enhanced Enchanting Options: I want them to make + Magic Damage available as an enchantment, as well as proliferation of +One and +Two Handed Damage. Right now, the only way I've found to increase Magic damage is from some scrolls you can get from a quest in the College.

Hardcore Mode: It was great in New Vegas. It would also make sleeping and cooking worth doing.

Great House Resurrection: Many refugees from Morrowind are living in Windhelm, including survivors of House Hlaalu. A quest line about House Hlaalu improving the living conditions/treatment of the Dunmer in Skyrim could be interesting, kind of like the Twin Lamps mod in Morrowind did for Slavery.

I'm also sure this next one will be DLC, but I'll say it anyway...

Thalmor Invasion: The Thalmor have had enough of waiting for the Empire to regain control of Skyrim. They're sending in any army to subjugate the region and destroy all traces of Talos. It's up to the Dragonborn to rally the forces in the region, both mundane and divine, to keep the Thalmor from destroying the culture of the Nords! Who knows... maybe Talos will make himself known once again?
I would like to be able to raise more than 1 zombie at a time. And then enter dungeons with a horde of undead rabbits, deer and foxes to do my bidding.


Staff member
More magic. It seems like there isn't a lot of magic options compared to Oblivion. Maybe it's just that I haven't unlocked them yet, I'm focusing on Destruction.
It also seems custom spells can't be created anymore, which I would like back.
Added at: 20:07
Oh and an idea I had: currently, you can focus the same spell in each hand to increase the intensity. Maybe create a mod that lets you combine different magic in each hand to get an entirely new effect, Magicka style.


Staff member
Now that I've made health a commodity, food is actually important.

I'd like a mod that lets you build a campfire and use a kettle/pot/whatever on it to create a cooking spit so that you can cook food. (Currently I either need to go home, find an inn, or break into someone's house to cook.)

Also, maybe let you carry a bedroll / tent to sleep in.

And salt piles are hard to find, which are necessary for almost all food recipes. I found a mod that takes salt out of the recipes, but I don't want that. Food still needs to be scarce-ish. I'd like to be able to find it in the wild or something like that instead of raiding homes.

Or, maybe I'll just use the salt-free mod. Food doesn't restore enough health for salt to be so rare.
I want a mod that allows you to acutally equip your followers how you want. Their default gear is often awful and they will quite frequently pick things to use that are really stupid. Hell, the way the inventory menus are set up when you're trading items with a follower should make this sort of thing reasonably easy to integrate.
A sidenote on Dragons idea...

Sleep fatigue after using fast travel. If you fast travel, it should be assumed you traveled straight to your destination, and are restless and tired.


Staff member
After beating the game last night (well, killing the main bad guy at least - the game doesn't end), I've now added some mods for my next runthrough.

Glowing Ore - One thing I hated was that it was nearly impossible to find ore as it was originally done as they didn't look like mining nodes. This mod makes them glow a bit so they stand out.

Val's Crafting Meltdown - Allows you to take all that trash you find and instead of selling it for 1 g each, you can melt it down into its parts. Find an iron sword? Melt it down into iron to use for something else.

Lost Art of the Blacksmith - Adds recipes to be able to craft. Includes arrows. So you get a shit-ton of iron arrows? Break them down into feathers to use to make ebony arrows or whatever. Very handy mod.

QD Inventory - Think the inventory sucks? Not any more! Not only does this mod change the UI to be horizontal instead of vertical, it groups things better. Items that are equipped are at the top. Each item has stats next to it and it's sortable. Want to see what you have that is weighing you down? Sort by item weight. Score. One thing this does NOT do is itemize things within a chest, which really needs to happen. But it's a step in the right direction.

FXAA Post Process Injector - This just helps your video parse better. I saw a small increase, but I didn't benchmark or anything so this could just be wishful thinking to me.
I really wish there was a way to place containers (chests, bags, drawers, weapon racks, etc.) within the game but that will probably have to remain as something done with the toolset.


Staff member
You can breakdown Iron Arrows to make Ebony ones? WTF man.
No, you break down iron arrows (and all arrows, actually) into feathers. Add these feathers to ebony bars and a few other things and you get ebony arrows. You strictly get the feathers from breaking down the iron arrows.
I gotta agree, being able to make arrows would be fantastic. I'm Level 52 and Daedric arrows NEVER show up in shops, only in random chests. I can buy the hell out of Ebony arrows though.


Staff member
Multiple "companions," though I know it would make too much too trivial.

I kinda agree with the sleep and food bits though - seems odd to me that you're not actually REQUIRED to go to bed or eat food at any point if you don't want to. I remember that being a factor in Ultima Underworld - "You are currently famished and sleepy. You guess it is currently late night on the 21st day of your imprisonment in the Abyss" etc, and it really added a lot to the whole survival aspect of play.

On a side note, I read some of the above posts about health and magicka regenning to fast, and I wonder if I'm playing the same game as you guys. Because I've been chugging potions and eating stacks of 20 apple-cabbage stew things at a time, at times. 'Course, that includes the frost troll I killed at level 7, and I learned later online that apparently you're expected to just sneak around/run away from that troll at that time (on the 7000 steps). Now I'm 37 and I don't even have to kite/dodge giants tho, so maybe that's where you're coming from.

Also, I think you should be able to marry and place a spouse in each home you own >:)


Staff member
Wait. You are supposed to sneak around the troll on the 7000 steps? Ugh. I saved right before that spot and it took me several times but I did it!!


Staff member
Wait. You are supposed to sneak around the troll on the 7000 steps? Ugh. I saved right before that spot and it took me several times but I did it!!
Heh, right there with ya buddy. 7 tries and 20 minor heal potions later. That was the first time in the game I learned the trick was to let the nigh-invulnerable sidekick distract it and then bash the hell out of it from behind.
Yeah, if you were expected to avoid it that really flies in the face of the rest of the game where at no point are you not expected to fight something and win.
Weird, I just used the old "Get into melee range and sidestep/move backwards to avoid the hit" fps tactic from almost everything I've played while I set it aflame with my level 4 Flames spell and regenned mana.

Witch-Kigo basically fought melee monsters like m'fuckin Ali.
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