Sendin' up prayers...

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Well, I love likes and facebook birthdays and while I say "I hope everything turns all right*" instead of "sending prayers your way", I don't see what's wrong with that either.

Backwards walking cats are also awesome.

*or whatever the right way to say that in english is


Staff member
But seriously, since we're all here we should also talk about our beliefs on abortions, political candidates, whether Pluto is a planet or not and if David Tennant or Matt Smith is a better Doctor Who.
Added at: 16:41
But seriously, since we're all here we should also talk about our beliefs on abortions, political candidates, whether Pluto is a planet or not and if David Tennant or Matt Smith is a better Doctor Who.
Tis could turn into a flamewar real fast.



Staff member
Okay... to be honest and sincere for a moment...

I'm not a religious person by any definition; I'd consider myself an agnostic at best. Plus, in the Finnish language the phrase "You'll be in my prayers" or "Sendin' up prayers" just doesn't work in every-day parlance, unless you're a Pentecostal, born again or of some other conservative denomination that considers the modern way of life sinful, tries to resurrect the dead and/or treats vaginas like clown cars.

That being said, I have some foreign friends (Halforumites included) who have in recent months used that expression on me. I don't take offence from that, nor do I mock them for saying so. Like one such friend said today, it's something you say when you mean the person is in their thoughts, that you wish all the best for them, even if you're not religious yourself. It is a show of sympathy and solidarity, something you say to show you care for that person.

Does it physically help? There we go into the realm of how much of medicine is actually psychosomatic, dependant on how positive your personal outlook is to your situation. But it's nice to hear people care and wish for you to get better.

That's my personal take on the whole thing. You want to get angry at "social noise" like that? Go right ahead, no skin off my nose...


Staff member
Maaaan, and I had been ignoring this thread because I thought it was an actual instance of what Mat was griping about. Doh.


Staff member
I thought that at first, too. But, despite Math and I's quarrels, I thought he was smarter than that.
Yeah, it took me seeing the thread on "what's new" a couple times, and seeing Mat as the original author, to jog my memory about what he thinks about prayer, so then I came and looked.


Staff member
If something really bad happens to me and someone says they'll pray for me I thank them and move on. What else do I expect? In most cases there's nothing they can do and their praying for me helps them deal with whatever crap is out there while at the same time communicating to me that they care. Although I'm an atheist, I still think it's a nice thing to do.

Oh, and:

Sending up prayers on Facebook is as useful as whining about your own problems. Whining to every acquaintance you have is the same as doing nothing about your problem.
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