[Other] Pouring One Out

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I was thinking today while I was whittling away at my ever growing stack of paperwork about game companies of today and yore that I miss. Companies like Capcom, who at one time only needed to have their stamp on a NES game for my friends and I to immediately want it more than anything. Mega Mans, Disney Games, Strider (yeah, NES Strider), Bionic Commando, etc were all pinnacles of NES action games. The Capcom of today? Not so much.

Same goes for Square. Playstation One era Square may be hands down my favorite game company of all time. They weren't afraid to experiment and while some of those games were a little.....out there (Saga Frontier) others ended up being old favorites of mine (Brave Fencer Musashi, Einhander). Again, what is the Squeenix of today? Boring, safe Dragon Quest games and God awful Final Fantasy spinoffs. Hell, if it weren't for their acquisition of Eidos, some say the company would have gone under by now.
I actually really liked Saga Frontier. So I guess old Square for me, too - I didn't like everything they did, but I got a lot of fun out of the stuff I did enjoy.
I miss Working Designs. The best storytelling, compelling character building, beautiful animation cut scene making RPG maker of their time.
I pretty much feel about Valve the way you felt about Capcom. I have no idea what DOTA is, and I don't care. Valve made it, so I'm gonna get it.

Now if only they'd give me another Half-Life game.
Sierra's definitely it for me. They were the bees knees of gaming back in the day. Hell, if it wasn't for them, a lot of revolutions in gaming may not have occurred. The King's Quest series improved with every new game, which in turn improved their other series game-by-game. And then one of my all time favourite games got made...Gabriel Knight. *swoon*

But I think the era of 3-D games and FPS' like Doom pretty much stomped a mudhole on adventure games.

*sigh* I miss the days when adventure games were the best thing about gaming.


I've been pining over pre-Enix Squaresoft lately, that's why in the last year I've replayed Final Fantasy 6, 7 and 8, Threads of Fate and now playing Chrono Cross for the third time.
I'll go in for Square as well. Where's the sequel to Vagrant Story? It was your first Perfect Score from Famitsu... back when that actually MEANT something. Where's my epic saga of games like you original envisioned.
Dungeon Keeper and Syndicate, damn do I miss those old games. Also, Might and Magic before Heroes of Might and Magic came out; and I'd still love to see an updated version of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.
I'm honestly conflicted... on one hand, games like Payday: The Heist and Left 4 Dead show that a squad based FPS can be excellent if they make the action intense and interesting. On the other hand, most series revivals (like Shadowrun) suuuuuucccccckk. So I'm not sure how it will turn out.
I'd like to mention another developer that I think was amazing and I really miss their brand of games.


The team that brought us such titles as Darklands, Master of Magic, Master of Orion, Red Storm Rising, Pirates and let us not forget... X-Com. Damn I love X-Com. I still play that game along with Master of Magic every once in a while... and they are still fun.
If you like X-Com, prepare to be disappointed as well... it too is getting an FPS remake, though it actually looks decent.

Spoony, however, disagrees.
I'd like to mention another developer that I think was amazing and I really miss their brand of games.


The team that brought us such titles as Darklands, Master of Magic, Master of Orion, Red Storm Rising, Pirates and let us not forget... X-Com. Damn I love X-Com. I still play that game along with Master of Magic every once in a while... and they are still fun.
Not to mention Flight Simulators that were not fly in this invisible tube and twitch at the right moment...
Sixpackshaker, they did have a lot of really good flight sims... not a lot of those around anymore.

AshburnerX... I have grave reservations about a FPS X-Com. Maybe I will be pleasantly suprised... but I doubt it.
AshburnerX... I have grave reservations about a FPS X-Com. Maybe I will be pleasantly suprised... but I doubt it.
It does at least have some tactical involvement, where you can direct your squad mates to do things and control what gets researched. But yes, it's very different and they don't seem to be including most of the classic aliens.
I miss Working Designs. The best storytelling, compelling character building, beautiful animation cut scene making RPG maker of their time.
I absoloutely LOVED the original sega CD versions of the Lunar games. Lunar: The Silver Star was my first real RPG. I keep hoping that the playstation remakes will show up on PSN.
The PSP remake was beautiful. I'm hoping they rethink their decision not to remake Eternal Blue as it's one of those rare situation where a perfect game is trumped only by it's sequel.
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