If Romney wins the GOP, I forsee bad things for....

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You also have to realize that these guys are basically having to out-conservative each other to get the nomination and bring the tea party and religious right behind them. It happens all the time. Then they get into office and act completely different or more centrist.

The real problem is when they do this during the appointment of Supreme Court justices.
Yeah, Romney is actually better then the rest because he's proven himself to be a total political whore plenty of times already... while actually passing "socialist" healthcare in his state that one time...

Also, seeing Newt and Sanctorum complain about Romney having more money and using it against them being unfair is such sweet nectar to my ears...
You also have to realize that these guys are basically having to out-conservative each other to get the nomination and bring the tea party and religious right behind them. It happens all the time. Then they get into office and act completely different or more centrist.

The real problem is when they do this during the appointment of Supreme Court justices.
Aiming to please the smaller part of the population seems like a good way to win the GOP and lose the Presidential race.
Please enlighten me - how does this statement indicate that he's out of touch with reality and/or an idiot?
It's a thinly veiled statement that only those who have the best footing in life should ever have anything. What happens to that child born with a disfiguring disability? He can't earn his "merits" he doesn't deserve his health care? What about the family that lost their main source of income in a jobless part of the Country? He doesn't deserve help to get back on his feet and feed his family because he's not earing his "merits" anymore.

Of course the rich and born rich will never have to worry about this, they come into life with more than enough "merits" or steal merits off the backs of the workers who they purposelly pay so little that they can never earn enough "merits" on their own.

He's trying to say that all the poor who feel their "entitled" to the "Rich's Money" without having to work for it shouldn't have any help. Yet does he address all the born rich who are even worse about feeling what they're "entitled" to based on what their older generations built for them?
Please enlighten me - how does this statement indicate that he's out of touch with reality and/or an idiot?
Let me shoot you in the face and then you can tell me how it was totally fair for that to happen to you, because obviously we live in a fair world where everyone gets what they deserve, so it's your own fault for not working hard enough at avoiding bullets...
According to Mitt Romney, the nation's growing focus on income inequality is all about envy.

"You know, I think it's about envy. I think it's about class warfare," the leading Republican presidential candidate said Wednesday on The Today Show.
Yep, that's all it is. Poorer people want help getting to a better life because they're envious about the rich. Has nothing to do with their children not living in poverty or access to better educations. Yep, 100% Envy.
You know, that kind of talk always reminds me of this B5 quote:

Marcus Cole: I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, 'wouldn't it be much worse if life *were* fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?' So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.
For an atheist JMS sure is way more spiritual then a lot of self confessed religious folks.


Staff member
Honestly there's nothing shocking about what he's saying. It's like the cornerstone of the Republican viewpoint.

This viewpoint is currently a weak point for the republicans though, as it's hard to argue a merit based society when you have massive unemployment which was caused by people that are still working. The republicans are going to have a hard time on this point in the coming election. Making no response to it wouldn't help much. Their current strategy of rebranding criticisms of free market economics into a sign of jealousy and weakness isn't bad, but it's pretty thin. Not sure they have many better options though.

Whoever goes against Obama will have to be fighting this point cleverly. I think that it's better to attack entitlement philosophy than to defend free marts right now, as free markets have been publicly humiliated in the last 3 years. But, on the other hand, so have entitlement/socialist governments. If they oversimplify things and say "Look Obama would tell you that free markets are terrible and they led us into the place we are now, but he doesn't want you looking over at Europe, where you see socialist governments that rely on entitlement spending struggling so much harder" they can turn the argument into a simple Obama presidency = Greece 2.0.
Ah, I see, you've purchased the political-polarization package. You believe that if he says, "If you work hard then you should be rewarded" then he is simultaneously saying, "If you don't work hard you should die already."

I could enlighten you to the logical fallacy of your argument, but it's more fun watching you rant and rave, especially now since I can dismiss the complaint as baseless.


Staff member
So, what you're saying is that people who take advantage of the educational opportunities available to everyone, study hard, work hard, take risks and become successful.... should then be forced to support those who chose not to do so? I'm not talking about the handicapped or mentally challenged, I'm talking about the Biff Tannens of the world who spent high school getting drunk, stoned, and laid and then wonder why their adult life sucks. There are a LOT of those people.

If there's one thing the OWS movement showed, it's that "the 99%" are a bunch of shits.
Ah, I see, you've purchased the political-polarization package. You believe that if he says, "If you work hard then you should be rewarded" then he is simultaneously saying, "If you don't work hard you should die already."

I could enlighten you to the logical fallacy of your argument, but it's more fun watching you rant and rave, especially now since I can dismiss the complaint as baseless.
No problem, I'm glad you can admit to being wrong by being sarcastic.
If there's one thing the OWS movement showed, it's that "the 99%" are a bunch of shits.
Thank you for that, I'm glad to know the entire movement was pointless and baseless. The large population of those people feeling wronged I'm sure will vote for Romney. /sarcasm

Again, the minority that he's pandering to will get him the GoP, but there's no way he's going to sway the majority of the country with these views that only the upper classes deserve anything from their government.
It's ok to be rich and pay less taxes then the masses, as long as you don't speak french: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-16549624

You have to love republicans.

So, what you're saying is that people who take advantage of the educational opportunities available to everyone, study hard, work hard, take risks and become successful.... should then be forced to support those who chose not to do so?
So tell me Gas, why have you chosen to be so lazy that you're not rich enough that spending time on an internet forum is beneath you???

You believe that if he says, "If you work hard then you should be rewarded" then he is simultaneously saying, "If you don't work hard you should die already."
Yeah, because "You're not rich, you must be lazy"and "Poor people are just envious of the rich" are the same thing as "If you work hard then you should be rewarded"...
The Republicans are so divided, I think that it really doesn't matter. I really don't see anyone ousting Obama at this point.


Staff member
Again, the minority that he's pandering to will get him the GoP, but there's no way he's going to sway the majority of the country with these views that only the upper classes deserve anything from their government.
Not that that's in any way what he said, but putting it aside, then what are you worrying about? If his views are SOOooo anathema to "the majority of the country" then you've got nothing to fear. Right?

But really, even if he gets elected, you still don't have anything to worry about. Romney's a liar and as inconsistent as a weathervane - his track record speaks for itself. He's not the conservative everybody now seems so afraid he is - that's why the media was so determined to pick him as the nominee. They wanted a Diet Democrat on the ticket, same as always.

So tell me Gas, why have you chosen to be so lazy that you're not rich enough that spending time on an internet forum is beneath you???
What, are only poor people allowed to post on forums? How lazy I choose to be is none of your concern, so long as I'm not demanding you subsidize my life.

Yeah, because "You're not rich, you must be lazy"and "Poor people are just envious of the rich" are the same thing as "If you work hard then you should be rewarded"...
The poor people ARE envious of the rich. And that's understandable, it's human. We've seen envy on parade for the last year. And, as a matter of fact, before 2008, abarring tragic acts of nature or a vengeful god, you pretty much DID have to be lazy (or consciously make REALLY BAD CHOICES like the ones I outlined) to be in poverty. There was under 5% unemployment and the workforce took up a much higher percentage of the populace. Student loans and grants were slung about like money was no object, the only excuse for not bettering yourself was mental or physical handicap. But we went on orgiastic binges of caligulan proportions and graduated with french poetry degrees and no concept of (or desire to learn how) to balance a household budget. Before the recession, we had the highest level of income mobility ever seen in any nation, ever.

And let's not forget that being "poor" in America is actually richer than being middle class just about anywhere else.
Added at: 13:01
The Republicans are so divided, I think that it really doesn't matter. I really don't see anyone ousting Obama at this point.
I'm not saying he's a shoo-in, but you're fooling yourself if you think republicans won't hold their nose and vote for whoever is on the ballot with an R next to his name this time around. I don't think they have the stomach to stay home anymore, like they did in 08. The race should actually be very close, and I anticipate it will be decided by whatever happens in october. Everything up till then is largely forgettable.
What, are only poor people allowed to post on forums?
No, it's just that i'm pretty sure that, statistically speaking, the top 1% aren't... and certainly not on what started as a webcomic forum.

How lazy I choose to be is none of your concern, so long as I'm not demanding you subsidize my life.
Yeah, thought so...

The poor people ARE envious of the rich. And that's understandable, it's human. We've seen envy on parade for the last year. And, as a matter of fact, before 2008, abarring tragic acts of nature or a vengeful god, you pretty much DID have to be lazy (or consciously make REALLY BAD CHOICES like the ones I outlined) to be in poverty. There was under 5% unemployment and the workforce took up a much higher percentage of the populace. Student loans and grants were slung about like money was no object, the only excuse for not bettering yourself was mental or physical handicap. But we went on orgiastic binges of caligulan proportions and graduated with french poetry degrees and no concept of (or desire to learn how) to balance a household budget. Before the recession, we had the highest level of income mobility ever seen in any nation, ever.
Yeah, because having a job and being poor are mutually exclusive...

I'll just leave this totally unrelated video here:

And let's not forget that being "poor" in America is actually richer than being middle class just about anywhere else.

Yeah, next time i break into someone's house, tied them down and pee* on them i'll just remind them they're entitled bastard to complain about it when they're not starving africans...

or consciously make REALLY BAD CHOICES like the ones I outlined

Oh yeah, because obviously those guys are the only ones on welfare...

Don't get me wrong, when ODB can go get his foodstamps in a limo (which was funny as fuck) without anyone noticing he might not need them there's obviously something wrong with the system, but methinks paying attention to his actual financial situation would be the more efficient way to solve that then cutting off foodstamps for everyone...

*obviously the person would not be the type to enjoy such a thing
So, what you're saying is that people who take advantage of the educational opportunities available to everyone, study hard, work hard, take risks and become successful.... should then be forced to support those who chose not to do so? I'm not talking about the handicapped or mentally challenged, I'm talking about the Biff Tannens of the world who spent high school getting drunk, stoned, and laid and then wonder why their adult life sucks. There are a LOT of those people.

If there's one thing the OWS movement showed, it's that "the 99%" are a bunch of shits.
I can't take a party seriously who says they want to get everyone off welfare and at the same time wants to get rid of the minimum wage. If anything, you want to convince people to work (if they can find it, remember that unemployment problem?) by raising the minimum wage.
It would appear that the main division here falls along two categories. People who think that everyone who works hard and studies will be successful (and thus everyone can be rich and successful so long as they have enough bootstrap and gumption), and people who don't.
It would appear that the main division here falls along two categories. People who think that everyone who works hard and studies will be successful (and thus everyone can be rich and successful so long as they have enough bootstrap and gumption), and people who don't ACKNOWLEDGE REALITY.
There, all better now...

As long as there are limited resources there will always be losers, no matter how hard they work. And if we ever get unlimited resources then well it doesn't really matter any more.


Staff member
I can't take a party seriously who says they want to get everyone off welfare and at the same time wants to get rid of the minimum wage. If anything, you want to convince people to work (if they can find it, remember that unemployment problem?) by raising the minimum wage.
Raising the minimum wage means employers can afford to hire less people. I mean, hell, by your reasoning we could just set the minimum wage to 20 dollars/hour and every poverty problem is solved.

As long as there are limited resources HUMAN BEINGS there will always be losers, no matter how hard OTHER PEOPLE CLAIM they work.
There, all better now.

Yes, there are winners and losers in capitalism. But that's better than any other system, in which there are only losers. Excluding the political elites, of course, which are always winners in all systems.
Raising the minimum wage means employers can afford to hire less people. I mean, hell, by your reasoning we could just set the minimum wage to 20 dollars/hour and every poverty problem is solved.
That's not what I said. Thanks for dismissing my comment with hyperbole and a ridiculous notion.
But that's better than any other system, in which there are only losers. Excluding the political elites, of course, which are always winners in all systems.
Need i even say anything?


Also, i like how you didn't even bother to understand that my comment there was completely hypothetical, and i wasn't claiming for a second that everyone works hard, just simply making a point that even if they did it wouldn't change anything...

And neither would getting rid of humans, because nature operates under scarcity too...
There, all better now...

As long as there are limited resources there will always be losers, no matter how hard they work. And if we ever get unlimited resources then well it doesn't really matter any more.
Life is not a zero sum game. The fact that I can feed my family of 8 doesn't mean that there are 8 people who can't eat, and that if I stopped feeding my family they would magically be fed.

Society right now operates somewhere between zero-sum and unlimited resources.

But it's certainly not a strict zero sum game.
Since you're as out of touch with reality as Romney, I'll go ahead and try and explain things to you (of course it's going to be like trying to convince a Christian that there isn't any scientific proof that God exists and there's pleny to disprove the Bible)

The poor people ARE envious of the rich. And that's understandable, it's human. We've seen envy on parade for the last year.
You're confusing Envy with wanting equality. I'm not sure how you'd make such an easy mistake.

And, as a matter of fact, before 2008, abarring tragic acts of nature or a vengeful god, you pretty much DID have to be lazy (or consciously make REALLY BAD CHOICES like the ones I outlined) to be in poverty.
I'm going to completely oblierate this idiocy once and for all, I'll start with you.

There's a man, born into an impovirish family, his entire life is Rice and Beans, purchased at less than $.50 a can. He tries to go to school at the woefully funded public school. He studies as hard as he can and gets good grades. However, during Middle School, due to violence in his poor neighborhood his father and only money maker in the family is killed.

Suddenly this middle schooler has to join his 16yr old brother helping at the local auto shop just to get enough money to put food on the table. He can no longer go to school because he's waking up and going to sleep practically at the auto shop.

He continues doing this into his teens and eventually becomes a young man. Desperate to better his life and that of his family he applies for government assistance to attend a Tech School. He does nothing but go to work and go to school but he eventually get his tech degree.

Then the unemployment crash happens and the auto-shop closes. He wasn't making the best money but it was enough to get by. Now he has nothing. He has to apply for unemployment and food stamps to get by till he finds work. He tries everyday but the huge influx of new unemployed make finding a job next to impossible, regardless of his skills and experience.

He finally gets lucky and gets a job with a large chain auto shop and gets paid a decent wage. Unfortunately however, there's no real room for growth and he'll never earn more than enough to keep his family alive and sheltered. So again he turns to government assistance. He gets a loan to open his own small business and opens his own auto shop.

Now he's marginally successful and is doing well enough that his family has a real future. (Fyi, this is a real story of someone I personally know)

Now if Romney would have his way? He'd be dead. His family would have starved when he was young and if any of them got sick, they'd have died sooner off. Why? Because he wasn't "educated enough" to have earned his "merits" that would "entitle" him to those "benefits". Why? Because he didn't do it off his "own sweat", he had to "piggyback the government and the rich" to get it done.

And let's not forget that being "poor" in America is actually richer than being middle class just about anywhere else.
Oh and bullshit here again. I've seen poor people living in aluminum roofed housing, falling apart, with next to nothing to eat and no hope for a future without massive government aid. But according to you, it's because they're lazy. My bad.


Staff member
That's not what I said. Thanks for dismissing my comment with hyperbole and a ridiculous notion.
What you said (the assertion that raising the minimum wage makes people want to work) is directly contributory toward higher unemployment. My "ridiculous hyperbole" was the extension of the thought process behind minimum wage to its logical conclusion.

i wasn't claiming for a second that everyone works hard, just simply making a point that even if they did it wouldn't change anything...
Sounds like loser talk to me.
Life is not a zero sum game. The fact that I can feed my family of 8 doesn't mean that there are 8 people who can't eat, and that if I stopped feeding my family they would magically be fed.

Society right now operates somewhere between zero-sum and unlimited resources.

But it's certainly not a strict zero sum game.
And that's how you can tell it's a hypothetical meant to illustrate a point... nothing is really a strict zero sum game irl.

I stopped feeding my family they would magically be fed.
Well of course not, because they'll either sell it to someone else or throw it away, because giving it to poor people would undermine it's value... see throwing away milk during the great depression...

But hey, if you're gonna go with such a simplistic idea as people getting what they deserve it's what's going on i feel entitled to counter it with something equally as simplistic...
Added at: 22:17
Sounds like loser talk to me.
Yeah, anti-intellectualism does seem to go hand in hand with your kind of philosophy in the US, which is kinda weird to me, as you'd think being smart would be something that would help with "education, hard work and risk taking", and thus would be a good thing...
What you said (the assertion that raising the minimum wage makes people want to work) is directly contributory toward higher unemployment. My "ridiculous hyperbole" was the extension of the thought process behind minimum wage to its logical conclusion.
This is why we can't have nice things. You say " by your reasoning we could just set the minimum wage to 20 dollars/hour and every poverty problem is solved.", and I find that a ridiculous notion that I never posited. It's a failure in discussion, and it is your burden to carry.


Staff member
Since you're as out of touch with reality as Romney, I'll go ahead and try and explain things to you (of course it's going to be like trying to convince a Christian that there isn't any scientific proof that God exists and there's pleny to disprove the Bible)
I find it humorous that your opening statement starts with a huge logical fallacy - implying that if you disprove the bible then you have disproved the existence of a god. But let's continue.

You're confusing Envy with wanting equality. I'm not sure how you'd make such an easy mistake.
Equality of the kind desired by the less successful - IE, one in which everyone is comfortably well off regardless of skill, talent or effort- is a myth. It has never existed and never will. It is actually a fairly novel concept that the lowest classes of society can actually move into higher brackets at all, and the US has shown the best opportunities for this to happen. Does it always work out for everyone? Of course not. But it's the best that has yet been made.

I'm going to completely oblierate this idiocy once and for all, I'll start with you. an entirely hypothetical and subjective story that only supports my point because I can tailor fiction to be exactly what I want it to be.

(Fyi, this is a real story of someone I personally know)
Uh huh.

Now if Romney would have his way? He'd be dead. His family would have starved when he was young and if any of them got sick, they'd have died sooner off. Why? Because he wasn't "educated enough" to have earned his "merits" that would "entitle" him to those "benefits". Why? Because he didn't do it off his "own sweat", he had to "piggyback the government and the rich" to get it done.
Absolutely none of that is what Romney said. You're tilting at windmills, and for that matter, Romney wouldn't know a windmill if it fell on him.

Oh and bullshit here again. I've seen poor people living in aluminum roofed housing, falling apart, with next to nothing to eat and no hope for a future without massive government aid. But according to you, it's because they're lazy. My bad.
I don't know the individual stories of all these "people" you've "seen." I've seen poor people too, they exist and they will always exist no matter how much money you throw down this rathole. We've spent around 8 trillion dollars in the "war on poverty" with no appreciable results. You'd think 8 trillion dollars would get us somewhere, wouldn't it? Maybe your exemplary "poor people" suffered the exceptional tragedies I spoke of earlier. Maybe not. It doesn't matter, actually. The truth of the matter is you cannot eliminate poverty through government spending no matter how much you want it to.

It's all moot though, because you are operating under a misunderstanding of a position made by a man who doesn't even truly support the point he was really making in the first place. Remember, Romney's a Massachusetts RINO. Even if he does end up getting elected, I highly doubt he'll be cutting any social programs. I don't even think he'll attempt to repeal ObamaCare, which is something he has explicitly promised to do... because he basically invented the prototype (Massachusetts's health care system) and continues to stand "proudly" by it.
But hey, if you're gonna go with such a simplistic idea as people getting what they deserve
When did I say that?

I'm saying that people should not be limited by the government as to what they can earn and do with their lives.

I'm a big fan of the welfare system.

What have I, or Romney, for that matter, said that is anything like, "Get rid of welfare and dump everyone on the street."???

Tenuous interpretation combined with hyperbole isn't useful, and I don't know why you, shego, and others keep resorting to it.
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