[Question] Goals for 2012?

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  • New apartment.
  • Fix my credit.
  • Drug free. Well, except for alcohol.
  • Get a balanced work out/diet regimen going so I can finally drop below 200.
  • Actually get a decent wardrobe.
If I could knock two or three off of this, that'd be greeeat.
- Do P90x exercise program
- Eat healthier than last year (shouldn't be hard)
- Find a martial art studio nearby that will work with my limited time
- Write a fantasy novel
- Paint at least half of my unpainted warhammer 40k miniatures (HAHAHA! Not going to happen)
- Fix my damn sports car
- Finish painting the basment
- Play Mass Effect 3
- Put clothes from dryer away in closet! (Yes, I am guilty of this as well)
Find a new job.
Prepare a financial plan for moving back to the US.
Spend more time training the doom weasels to take over the world.
Change exercise schedule from "sporadic" to "consistant".
Read more.
Join a club and do more social things.
I'm pretty lame and very rarely have resolutions or goals for the year. I do, however, want to read more. And have decided that I want read classics, classics that everyone always talks about, but fewer have read. That is as exciting as I get. :)
  • Lose another 20 pounds. Goal is between 195-200.
  • Pick up more French. Going to Monaco in March and Paris in September to 'help'
  • Get a baby finally. Damn slow adoptions.
  • Complete 3 courses towards second degree. That would bring me to 12 of 20.
  • Survive downsizing at company
  • Be a better boss
  • Fill up rainy day savings to 6 months salary. Don't buy a new car with it.
  • Break up Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake. (Scarlett and Ryan successfully broken up in 2011)
The laundry is folded and in drawers, cleared entirely from the living room.

ENVY ME. I feel at last I've surpassed my f...
...ellow forumites.[/spoiler[
Sadly, no. My boss has one more project for me. It should take about a month to do, and then a couple of weeks to hopefully write up. Then, I can start the dissertation. I've been writing a lot lately, so hopefully, I can knock it out rather quickly.

Any Post-doc advice? I don't want to teach. I will if I have to. I don't want to write grants, at all. I like to do bench work, and I want a steady paycheck - that's it. My wife has another year (at least). I was thinking of doing a short post-doc in that time, in a slightly different field. I do environmental microbial ecology, and there's a dude nearby that looks at bacteria associated with oral disease. Also, there's a ton of lab tech type positions out there that pay more than grad pay.

Get your ass into industry. Post-doc is 1/2 grants and 1/2 research.


Staff member
WOOO, I've read a chapter every day, and my bed isn't covered in.... more than one article of clothing. In my defense, it's a nightgown.
- Read a book a month
- Lose a pound a week for a whole year again like I did two years ago and failed last year.
- Write either a game or a script for it
- Finish my sports prediction system before March Madness
- Earn a MS certification as a DBA of some type
- More attention to and from wife

Some of these sound contradictory.
- Find some new books to read
- Move out of shit-hole neighborhood. There was a massive narcotics raid on our apartment complex last night and I swear to god half the vice agents in the county were there.
- Continue eating right and working out. I want to be the fastest ex-diabetic that ever ex-ed.
- Learn more about business intelligence and move toward making that my new career, instead of just shipping dead people's account data to their next of kin.
- Travel more.
- Go camping for the first time in years.
How's everyone doing on these!? Eh? Eh!?

They're written down... so face yer shame if you've given up!
This is the year I qualify for the promotion into BSA (Back Securities) dept. This was my goal from day one of joining the bank and I will NOT go into detail as to why.
Already talking to my higher ups about my new entitlements to new positions and my interest in the the BSA position. Had a mini-interview and went swimmingly.

Lose the vanity weight I've been fighting with back and forth.
Haven't done a damn thing about this besides eat a little better and not eat past 8pm.

Restock my completely depleted FWB contact list.
Added 3 people from work, 1 one of them pretty hot but married, might see if there are any angles to work there.

Otherwise it's more Drinking/Smoking/Casual Sex/Working/Gaming this year.
Doing all 4 of those pretty much as consistantly as I expected.
As of Sunday, my living room has been void of laundry.

Of course, this Sunday is also a laundry day. I wonder if it will be folded, or if it will be left to linger until mid-February.
Plowing through the albums. On a quiet night I can get through six or seven by the time it gets too busy for headphones. Haven't had a weekend off to do much else since the thread started. :p


Staff member
  • No new apartment. My Coachella ticket came out of that fund. Ah well.
  • Paid off one credit card! Aww yeah.
  • So far so good.
  • Ehh. Few hiccups, I've been running though.
  • Man this shit is costly.
My classes start in spring.

Playing a lot of Flight Simulator X to prepare. I no longer crash directly after takeoff in a single prop plane.
Wrote my final exam for Financial Management today. Bombed considerably but at least it's out of the way. (61% means I studied 1% too hard...)


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Well, my goals for 2012 are pretty much a continuation of my 2011 goals, which include, but are not limited to, moving to a new city and making new friends, getting a job and curtailing my debt. It's been shaky, especially after moving out of my sister's place in the fall, and my credit card debt has only gone up, up, up, but I just got a promotion to a teaching position on the LD side of the building--and about 20k extra salary to go with the new digs--so that's pretty awesome.

So now, I guess, my goals are to finally curb that credit card debt, fix my shabby wardrobe, and start making new friends that aren't just girls I'm dating and their circle of friends.


Staff member
-Clothes piled up for a couple of days, but then I got it under control again. It's going to be a battle, but I intend to win.

-I missed one night of reading a chapter, but something more interesting came up, and I do not regret missing that one night. I read two chapters the following day and have not missed one since.

- I adjusted my calorie counting goal. To be honest, it's not working for me like it used to. Last week I just ate when I was hungry and stopped when I wasn't anymore. It felt good to get back to listening to my body instead of looking at a number on a screen, so I'm going to do that instead. I still intend to keep my workout schedule and fill the house with healthy food. If I lose, great. Truth is, I'm more concerned with toning than any weight change, so I'll focus on that. If I lose while I'm at it, great. If I don't and I start to feel more sluggish/less healthy, I'll change things up.
1. Fire my boss.
2. Trip out of state, preferably to AZ or TN.
3. Trip to Canada.
4. Back to walking on a regular basis.
5. Meet the artist of one of the webcomics I read on a regular basis.
My list is short: Learn to skate, snowboard, and get the event company I work for new clients, take some time for myself.

I've been out skating a half dozen times and I've gotten better, I still can't do a cross over when skating, but I haven't fallen yet and can get some speed. I've been snowboarding with my boyfriend once this year and managed to make it down the baby hill a few times with out any major incident. Only really fell one time.
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