[Other] Ever accidentally killed your own post?

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Staff member
It's happened to all of us. You are writing a post and then get distracted. Sometimes when this happens you lose the entire post.

No more!

Go ahead. Try it. Start responding and close the tab or something before you finish. Then come back. I'll wait...

Cool, huh?


Staff member
Please note that this only works for posts. If you're making a new thread everything will still be there but the subject line. You'll have to type that again.


Staff member
I've had that problem before... but mostly it went away with the advent of tabbed browsing. But it's still a cool feature.


Guh. Now when I make a post, then re-read it and go, "nah" and close the page, when I get back to the thread it's still sitting there, taunting me.

My orphan posts are out to get me!

That happened to me too. Hehe.

Like haha you thought about saying this but changed your mind hahaha HAHAHAHA
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