[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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I like this version so much more, while the two people in the new version are important, they pale in comparison to both Newton and Elion
dont make me make stienman is a whiner pic...
Hey, it's already been 12 hours. Get with the making already!

Also, in order to avoid hypocrisy, here's my requisite funny picture:

What's funny, of course, is that someone has an odd censorship pattern.


Staff member

A friend in Rio found this item:

If you're not familiar with Portuguese, it says Hey Girl, Sitting down? Only at home! The little diagram on the bottom shows you what it is. It permits a woman to pee standing up.


Staff member
Agree with all except temperature. It might be more appealing, but not more logical. The numbers themselves are still essentially meaningless because temperature is ordinal, not cardinal. In other words, two degrees isn't twice as hot as one, so it really doesn't matter whether there are 100 or 180 points between, only that a bigger number means hotter. Fahrenheit had a strong reason for setting the zero point where he did (though the rest of the scale was kind of arbitrary).
Agree with all except temperature. It might be more appealing, but not more logical. The numbers themselves are still essentially meaningless because temperature is ordinal, not cardinal. In other words, two degrees isn't twice as hot as one, so it really doesn't matter whether there are 100 or 180 points between, only that a bigger number means hotter. Fahrenheit had a strong reason for setting the zero point where he did (though the rest of the scale was kind of arbitrary).
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