[Gaming] Mass Effect 3 : It's here and thy ending is queeeeeeer.

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that terribly mediocre Kingdoms of Amallauuzuur

Having played the demo without even knowing you get some extra shit for ME3 (i didn't even sign in to an EA account), i found the game to be enjoyable... i liked te combat better then Skyrims...

But yeah, EA's marketing bullshit is getting way out of hand... and there's no ME2 Complete Edition even...
I finally finished a renegade playthrough of ME1 the other day and have been replaying ME2 with the same character since then. I've got the collector's edition preordered and I can't wait until March 6.
As much as I hate the corporate machine, I want to play ME3 too much to cancel my preorder. But if it ends up like DA2, heads will roll.
God damn it EA... DAMN YOU TO HELL!

I mean, I love the Mass Effect series and the lore and everything about the first two games. I have mass effect props that I'm building in my spare time as well as mass effect armour I'm building to display in my home theater room.

And EA seriously looks set to totally ruin the last installment for me with bullshit decisions, micromanaged DLC, idiotic extras (figurines with random DLC LOLZ!), kinect support (WTF?), an atrocious novel and let's not forget the intrusive spyware you need to install to run the game.

I just don't know what to do... I still want to play this game but I'm really considering canceling my pre-order and just pirating it as it's about the only way I can give the finger to EA.
I personally am simply not going to play it. Not going to encourage such corporate behavior by buying the game, not going to let them point to me as part of the problem by pirating it.

It'll suck not being able to finish Commander Shepard's story, but I'd rather have happy memories of the first two games, than the sour taste of what the third turned out to be.
In honor of Shepard, I decided to replay ME 1&2...

Pre-order uncancelled... Damn you EA... I NEED IT.

There's bound to be a way to neuter Origin.
You're disagreeing with anyone who's keeping their pre-order?

Incidentally, I don't have a pre-order... because I never played an ME. Put the first one on PS3, EA.
Okay, guys, so I've a question.

I just realized I never got to doing my evil play through Mass Effect 2.... but now a question arises. In Mass Effect 1 I did 2 playthroughs, one as Paragon one as Renegade... BUT... I also changed pretty much every other decision. If I saved Ashely as paragon I killed her as Renegade and fucked Liara instead, stuff like that.

Sooo... if I want to import my evil Shepard into ME2, on which I already finished the game as Paragon with my ME1 Paragon import, I can't use the New Game+ that I get for finishing the game already? How does that work? I know I can't be the only one that wants to see every possible outcome.... but I also am a bit weary of not taking advantage of the bonuses you get on a New Game+ on ME2...

I guess what I'm not very successfully trying to ask is if there's anyway yo play the New Game+ on ME2 using the OTHER imported save from ME1... does that make sense?

Oh, and I play on Xbox 360, so I can't just download a save u_u
I can't afford a decent gaming rig down here :(

Besides, the original Mass Effect was supposed to be an XBOX exclusive, so I started playing it on that platform. LEMME ALONE!
Guess checking out threads of disappointed demo testers will have to appease me for now.

PS: Mordin's VA has been changed.
No, watched a demo playthrough on Youtube.

Also, the writing might be some of the worst Bioware's ever put out, like current gen JRPG bad. The conversation between Anderson and Shepard about war? The kid? Reapers apparently wiping out all human colonies and everything humans have in general during the time it takes Shepard to walk from his bedroom to the council room? Jesus. Just.....good fucking Lord.
Really? That bad Frankie? I'll still play the game. I'm just not installing Origin on my rig. I won't play console. Bioware is making it VERY HARD to be their client... almost like they are holding my interest hostage.

Yeah, apparently, Mordin's VA didn't even get a call back. Why? "Scheduling problems". There were none. They just didn't want to pay the VA the amount they should since Mordin's storyline is greatly reduced in the 3rd. So they got a cheaper VA to do him.

A few days ago, I got word that a multiplayer demo will be available soon. So since I do want to try out the multiplayer I slowly been building a secondary rig with spare parts I got at home and last night I put up a clean install of Windows 7 on it. I'll update it, defrag and play with some overclock settings and I hope to be ready by the weekend when it comes out. I won't care at that point if I'll install Origin on it... but I'm not installing that on my main rig.
If the multiplayer actually turns out to be not entirely sucky we should definitely play some games together Jay.

I'm worried by the accusations of bad dialog now... and it SUCKS that Mordin has a different voice actor... :(
Well if you make an ME2 play through where Moridin dies you don't even have to worry about it. I am somewhat tempted to make a play through where everyone dies because it supposedly has a psychological impact on Shepard.
Don't forget about all the bullshit DLC that will inevitably be available to make multiplayer that much more cool Jay.

"Yeah, check out this cool scope for my assault rifle! It makes it so I can see through walls and shoot around corners! It only cost me ten bucks!"

Contrary to what Bioware says we probably will need to do the multiplayer component well to get the proper ending anyways.
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