[Webcomic] Let's Talk Gunnerkrigg Court

Cookie monster is the blue one and January is the white one?
cuz the cookiemonster is blue and January is white cuz of the snow? I have no idea. xD
also.. Smitty is now my fave character in Gunnerkrigg Court.


Staff member
So I started reading this yesterday to see what all the hubbub is about.

I've now read something like 900 pages and I can't stop.

This is a very good comic.

Edit: Son of a .... whelp I'm caught up and there is nothing left to read. I now have the same feeling for this comic as Erfworld, DrMcninja, Order of the Stick and all the other ones. Love with a side of bitter resentment on the slow exposition of the story.


Staff member
So I started reading this yesterday to see what all the hubbub is about.

I've now read something like 900 pages and I can't stop.

This is a very good comic.

Edit: Son of a .... whelp I'm caught up and there is nothing left to read. I now have the same feeling for this comic as Erfworld, DrMcninja, Order of the Stick and all the other ones. Love with a side of bitter resentment on the slow exposition of the story.
Yeah, I hate that. Especially in full blown books as well. Irks me so much when I read several books in a series back to back only to find out the next one doesn't come out for another year... or four. I'm not going to remember any of these people or events next year! That was the final nail in the coffin for me for the wheel of time series (and I even slogged my way through the crappy books in the middle)... irritates me to no end about the Kingkiller chronicle.. and of course, everybody's favorite love/hate author, George RR Martin.


Staff member
Yep, every one. I would go so far as to say that it's better than Gunnerkrig Court. If I worked at a Studio Ghibli type of place I would totally hire that dude on. He is a fantastic story teller.
I think Gunnerkrigg is more focused on characters and character-driven stories while Rice Boy tends more to the epic, so I have trouble saying which I think is better. My answer would probably change based on my mood. They're both really good though, and Evan Dahm is extremely talented.

He just finished a Kickstarter for a printing of an Order of the Tales book. Evidently, the book is two inches thick.
Just finished volume 1 yesterday morning. I'll have to read chapters 15-22 online since who knows when volume 2 will be in print again.

I believe I read chapters 12-14 when they were first put online, because there was a time I was reading Gunnerkrigg and then I stopped for some reason. Still got a bit of catching up to do.
Red has been in three panels so far and hasn't flipped a pool yet.

Added at: 14:25
Also I think that may be Blue (Cyan?) sitting next to her.


You know, I'm kind of sad that no one's been discussing this comic recently, but... in this chapter, there's been very little to discuss.
This chapter was fun, but it serves to remind me how much stuff we don't know and never will. It's frustrating, actually.

Did force me to go back to when the two girls were fairies asking her to kill them, then again when they teach her how to get her hair to stick up so her friend will like her again. I wonder how else they'll impact the story going forward...


This chapter was fun, but it serves to remind me how much stuff we don't know and never will. It's frustrating, actually.

Did force me to go back to when the two girls were fairies asking her to kill them, then again when they teach her how to get her hair to stick up so her friend will like her again. I wonder how else they'll impact the story going forward...
I like how the story just kind of glossed over the revelation that the second unnamed fairy has horrifying mind control powers that she's willing to use on a whim for her own amusement.




I think this is the first time Shadow's been given a gender -- an odd choice too, since he apparently sounds like Annie.
So wow... looks like we have a Drama bomb coming next week, as this week's probably going to be an comedy page and then the next chapter page.