Introduce Yourself!



Hey guys, sorry I didn't respond, I've been neglecting EVERYTHING for the last bit. I plan... well hope... to make this place a regular part of my comic/web surfin' life. Thanks for all the great welcomes! You guys rocks my socks!


Staff member
Glad you're back, bro. We're just about ready to launch the collective, so if you could make a banner for your comic, just e-mail me: zappit1234 AT

Whenever you get the chance - no rush.


Staff member
Damn! Here I thought I ran away another David with the force of my unbridled rage, which we all know to be the best kind of rage.


Hello, everyone. If you don't already know, my name is Sammi. I am Dave's daughter and I'm signing on for the first time since, I believe, January of last year? Holy crap. I plan to be coming on here more often and getting more involved.


Hello to you too, my good sir. And thank you for your welcome. It was very welcoming.
Added at: 01:59
I should also mention that my frequented forums aren't this fancy. Thus, I'm still getting the hang of this place.


Draw, paint, claymation, carve statues, write poetry or stories, etc..

Basicallyyyy, will you be making a thread in the artists forum?

Also, how rude of me... Welcome back!
Thank you, and I do. I sing, write poetry, dabble in short-story writing, I participate in photography, and I generally do graphite sketches. I may make a thread... We shall see.


Staff member
Nice try. I don't scare easily.
That... almost sounds like a challenge.

Heh heh heh...




*cough* Okay, I'm done now. Welcome (again), and I must admit I find the quotes in your signature most worthy of a thumbs up. And considering how you took our resident perverts at a stride... You're gonna fit in here just fine, miss.

Welcome to the madness.
I'll take people who should not post in the I just had sex thread or the high/drunk/wasted thread for 2,000, Alex.
I don't think Dave has much to worry about. Sammi's a good sport about stuff. She just has to get the groove of this place. Figure she just needs a week.

Now, Dave's wife on the other hand? That would be interesting to see on here.
Gweepings! *salutes*

Don't mind the godless heathens and unwashed masses - we're your father's good friends.

Not sure how that reflects upon HIM, but... *shrugs* Meh.