[News] Science says: Rich people are better at being assholes then you

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Everybody else.
To be honest, Gas, it is sometimes hard to tell when you're being facetious and when you're not. Based on what I've read of your posts, you have sometimes come across as a libertarian survivalist and a conspiracy theorists who spends his New Year's Eves and elections hidden inside his bunker with a shitload of guns and baked beans to last you for thirty years, all while aiming at the door to make sure none of them Spanish-speakers get inside.

In that light, it is not that far-fetched to suppose that you'd think the rich are better people because they're rich ;)


Staff member
To be honest, Gas, it is sometimes hard to tell when you're being facetious and when you're not. Based on what I've read of your posts, you have sometimes come across as a libertarian survivalist and a conspiracy theorists who spends his New Year's Eves and elections hidden inside his bunker with a shitload of guns and baked beans to last you for thirty years, all while aiming at the door to make sure none of them Spanish-speakers get inside.

In that light, it is not that far-fetched to suppose that you'd think the rich are better people because they're rich ;)
Ok, ElJuski , everybody else who isn't a refrigerated sauna goblin that I haven't spent the last 4 years plus or so intentionally antagonizing.

Besides, both you guys flipped cause and effect. I didn't say they were better by virtue of being rich, I said that being rich was a result of being better.



Staff member
Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with you on that.
Ok, I see, well, let me just (shuffles papers) let me just ask you a quick question here...

Just how much time each week would you say you've been spending unable to process humor?
That's the thing, Gas

It just wasn't there. I don't know, maybe if it was more clever I would have been more into it. I gotta go, but it was a real pleasure talking with ya.


Staff member
That's the thing, Gas

It just wasn't there. I don't know, maybe if it was more clever I would have been more into it. I gotta go, but it was a real pleasure talking with ya.

Yeeaaah, ok, but I'm gonna need you to come in on saturday. And sunday. To play catch-up.



Staff member
for the record, people on Halforums saying something is funny and something actually having comedic merit are two different things.


Staff member
my last response was re: to the first thing, and not the funny insanity that ensued. That other stuff was funny.
I've always been in the "Greed is good" camp, with the incredibly important (and often overlooked) caveat that people MUST be honest.
That's not how greed works...if you're not taking more then what you deserve it's not greed in the first place.
Huh? Who determines what is more than what you deserve?
Why obviously the flying spaghetti monster, bless his noodly appendages...

But it doesn't really matter, because arguing it's not more then you deserve is arguing it's not greed, not that greed is good...
Alien's right on the money on that one. Greed by literal definition is (via Merriam-Webster) "selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed". So those arguing that greed are good are saying that taking more than you think that you deserve is a good thing. They're also acknowledging that it is both selvish and excessive.
No. NO. You guys are mucking up that definition by substituting 'need' with 'deserve'. Those are two very different things.
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