Has this picture been posted?

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Staff member
I don't remember seeing it if it has. And it's HUGE so I'm gonna spoiler it.

It's an infographic of the Earth from highest point to lowest. It's pretty cool. Again, it's a big picture and I hope it hasn't been posted.



Staff member
In related news, the ocean will KILL YOU DEAD and you're suspended thousands of feet above pure dark, smothering, monster-infested certain death by a quirk of physics. Which way to the beach again?
Why wasn't this in the Not So Funny Pictures thread?
I'm not touching that thread again with a 100 hop TCP connection. There be dragons. As far as I'm concerned it belongs in the NSFW subforum.

So thank you Dave, for not posting it in the not so funny thread.


It has cool gifs of time lapsed planets. Blame Gas for most of the other stuff.
It has cool gifs of time lapsed planets. Blame Gas for most of the other stuff.
I thought the nsfl and gore were in the title from the start, suggesting people could/should add such pictures. Meh. Cool pictures aren't worth having to wade through horrific crashes and such.


Nah, someone posted a car getting hit and I guess someone bitched so... that stuff got added by an admin. Wasn't me.


I'm not gonna try to tell folks what to put in that thread, it's on the boards, people post what they will, but for crashes/etc, I'd prefer if they used spoiler tags on those. I'd hate for people to miss out on the awesome images because they have a weak stomach.
Added at: 09:18
In fact, I'm going to repost this in the NSFP thread.


Staff member
I know I said something about the SUV crash, but I just meant it as commentary, not complaint. I realize it was kind of whiny. It's a horrific gif, sure, but also interesting.
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