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You toothless, piebald, impotent roof-rabbit!I shall hang your withered reproductive organs from my posterior monitors!
You toothless, piebald, impotent roof-rabbit!I shall hang your withered reproductive organs from my posterior monitors!
It's a third person shooter, and at any time you can pause the action and swing the camera around to take stock of your surroundings.I must say... I'm tempted to get the 360 version, now that I have the console for it. Once again, thank you guys! ^^
I'm just worried I end up sucking at it. I've... never played a first-person shooter before![]()
I feel you, bro. Much as it galls... they're going to get my money. Like they always knew they would. Bastards...I am gonna cave and buy it.Sigh.
The ME3 demo ran better for me on ultra high than me2 did. They've done a lot of optimization.And i need to get the Collectors Edition or else I wont get the extra character,who will probably be essential to get the perfect ending.
If one can run ME 2 on high settings,will I be able to run ME 3?
I'm totally up for any mp action to be had. Ravenpoe121 is my origin name, for those that don't yet have it.After tonight, I won't be checking this thread till I finish the single player game.
Now if you're playing on PC and have Origin, feel free to add Blachloch to your origin account, that's me. I'll send you a few names from other HFers who've I've had the pleasure of playing coop games with.
I will probably hit people on Friday night some for 4 player MP mayhem if people are available.
It is a bit funny how fast everything sort of went to shit, and then suddenly I am dancing in Purgatory or dealing with silly little disagreements on the Citadel again. General little spoilers ahead, so read at your own risk.
They keep talking about "the war" like it's an ongoing, even battle, and yet ever single time I go a place a Reaper is directly attacking, millions are getting smoked in less then a few hours. The Bartarians are hinted to be almost entirely wiped out already. Considering how many Reapers attacked Earth, the whole population should be dead by now. I know the reason the Citadel probably makes it out like a more even fight is so people don't panic, but still, it does seem odd how casual you can take it.
Also, why go to all that trouble to add dozens of different variables, like making the Shepard/Ashley former romance get hinted in almost every early cutscene, and yet they can't take TWO SECONDS to make a comment about why Anderson is not on the Council like I made him in ME1 and saw him taking part in ME2. Suddenly it's Udina, with zero information about why. They basically decided they wanted Anderson on Earth to be the leader of the humans resistance and decided it was not worth even making an excuse for us that made him a Couniler
On the other side of the coin they did close up another glaring issue I had. The Protheans. I always felt it was odd that in the first game we saw all these statues of the race, then in ME2 they were suddenly bug people. They basically explain that the "Prothean Empire" was made up of the main race and many subservient races, and the ruin found on Illos was actually an old city of one of those subservient races rather then the Prothean master race.
Speaking of Protheans, what the fuck... I never expected to have one as a SQUAD MEMBER in this game. Him and EDI's new sexbot body make me feel like they were running out of ideas after the huge grouping of misfits we had in ME2 so they wanted to just go crazy
I kind of cheat it. I go into a system, save, scan like crazy until I discover all the relic and fuel locations, which obviously calls the Reapers. Then I just reload the save, go to the spots, scan, grab till 100%, then leave. Sometimes the Reapers still come for me, but by that time I don't really care about the system anymore since there are no more minerals to gather, thus making most of the extra planets rather worthless after I get 100% on the relics. I have already exhausted the few systems that are open to me and gathered a lot of war assets.Also, planet scanning sucks dick. It sucks even more dick when you have to abandon the system over and over again because reapers keep trying to murder chase you.