[PC Game] Star Wars: The Old Republic Does....

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Pylons. We only tried it like 3 times, but it was late and we were all tired. Honestly, the issue is that our DPS keep getting aggro on the Kamikaze Rakata, which means they die and I can't burn down the golds fast enough as a Tank to stay up while they fiddle with the consoles.

We almost did it the last time we did it (one last turn would have put in #4) but I was already at around 100k in repairs at that point. Hopefully it'll go a it smoother once I get my last tionese/columi piece.
OK so, you split into 2 groups of 4. 1 healer on each side, if you have 2 tanks, split them, but it doesn't matter that much. In Normal mode, the only person who needs to touch the button AT ALL is a healer. You should figure out the shortest path to each ring before you start the event. (Like 2 left, 2 right, 2 left, 2 left or w/e). You can get an Android app, or just do it by hand. Blue Green Red Purple White Yellow is the order of the center cube sides.

Basically you can have each non healer pick up 1 guy and solo it, as long as it isn't an Ackley, then you need to have a tank pick that up (or your best geared DPS if one side lacks a tank).

The only difference in Hard is that you have to rotate who clicks the buttons.
OK so, you split into 2 groups of 4. 1 healer on each side, if you have 2 tanks, split them, but it doesn't matter that much. In Normal mode, the only person who needs to touch the button AT ALL is a healer. You should figure out the shortest path to each ring before you start the event. (Like 2 left, 2 right, 2 left, 2 left or w/e). You can get an Android app, or just do it by hand. Blue Green Red Purple White Yellow is the order of the center cube sides.

Basically you can have each non healer pick up 1 guy and solo it, as long as it isn't an Ackley, then you need to have a tank pick that up (or your best geared DPS if one side lacks a tank).

The only difference in Hard is that you have to rotate who clicks the buttons.
That may have been it. We had a DPS on the button.
On HM EV pushing the button on he pylon causes a 40 second debuff where you can't push it again, so you need to rotate button-pushers. Also the giant gold bugs hit like trucks but CAN be stunned, so keep them stunned as often as possible. If you figure out the shortest route on the buttons you should never fail this encounter. The third and fourth encounters in EV are basically free loot and a gear check.
Exactly as Dei said, Ash, and be double sure nobody touches the Rakata when the shield they have is up (you can see the buff on their target area, and it's sort of an orange-yellow sphere around them). It'll bounce back all damage they take while it's up and that'll blow most DPS classes into bits in no time. The only thing that needs a tank is an Acklay, and be sure to allow the tank a second to build threat as the Acklay hits crazy hard, though as Gusto said you can save your stuns for them since the Rakata are made of paper. Biggest thing is keeping your healer alive and free of threat so they can concentrate on healing through Acklays and pressing the button ASAP.
I tanked for about a week at 50, then changed specs and haven't looked back. The UI doesn't give nearly enough information to make tanking fun or rewarding.

DPS has some of the same issues, but at least someone else doesn't die when you refresh your dots a couple seconds late.
DPS isn't too bad as a Sentinel, it's more the raid content itself that's really boring to me. I'm pretty much alt-hopping and seeing which story to see to 50 next. I wish I didn't hate Balmorra so much Empire side so I could get my Inquisitor past it.
Kind of off topic, but know what MMO I've been playing off and on lately and enjoying the hell out of?

DC Universe Online. It's pretty exactly what I wanted City of Heroes to be. Though, as I understand it for you power grinders out there, there's not much top tier content, but I liked it enough to buy the 2 xpacs.
I bought DCUO when it came out, dropped it after a month or so. I liked the combat, but it was the most repetitive MMO I've ever played.
I bought a lifetime membership to DCUO. Big regret. I havent touched it since November. It was great at first, strong RP community, lots of fun, etc. But as the servers merged and they took no real action against greifers and cheaters.... And the lack of content...yeah...tehy made it pretty clear without acctually saying it that they were catering to the PVP kiddies despite not fixing the problems with PVP that mattered. You want proof of that? Go look at the notes from each patch, almost 2/3 of each patch were dedicated to PVP tweaks/balances.

Really discouraging for non PVPers.

Also the RPers mostly got run out after the servers merged....that game without a doubt had one of the worst game communities I have ever seen.
I wonder if a MMO that sells lifetime memberships is destined to go free to play eventually. WoW didn't bother with them and it's still going strong. Gives a sense of the makers' confidence in the MMO's longevity.
I wonder if a MMO that sells lifetime memberships is destined to go free to play eventually. WoW didn't bother with them and it's still going strong. Gives a sense of the makers' confidence in the MMO's longevity.
Lifetime memberships still give out full rewards though. LOTRO still gives you premium access and even gives you a hefty stipend of Destiny Points each month. DCUO does something similar.

So really, it's not a problem with confidence... it's just marketing. Hell, LOTRO is pulling in more money now than it ever did as a sub-based game.
I think most companies just weigh what the projected income would be with a fee, then put it up next to the projected amount they would make Free2Play, then decide which system to push on with.

Many times, F2P is better then pushing on with fees if you already have a low subscription level, because the they have less of a barrier to entry and the people that DO get into the game a lot are more likely to put down way more money then $15 a month on the extra cash shop materials.

I think the only two that will remain with a fee are going to end up being WoW and SWTOR, just because they have (or are building) a healthy subscriber base. SWTOR will not have to look into the F2P unless they drop below 1 million, and considering they stabilized at 1.7 million, that will be awhile off.
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