Who are we and who do we want to be?

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So to recap (including from the chat):

-@mr_thehun was involved in my prom night.
-It wasn't me, but Gusto because I'm his alt and the prom night was so horrifying that he created an alternate personality just to cope.
(Arrives in time for the meerkat invasion)
Aww, c'mon. I can't stay awake on this forum 24hrs/day. I'm missing out on all the pathos!

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If you are a) genuinely concerned about the mod's feelings, and b) serious about sharing, then there is always the "Start Conversation" button. Everybody wins. :cool:

Depression has nothing to do with ignoring all the people that support you to listen to 2-3 people that "bully" you. That's "selective hearing".

As for "bullies being different in person" I doubt that highly. I don't think for a second that our "bashers" here act any differently in person.
People ( Tress Charlie Don't Surf figmentPez ) disagreeing with the fact that Nick has more supporters than attackers? That's pretty low.
Oh I know, but that's equally as pointless to disagree with. That's a choice.

Depression is a mental disorder, not a choice.

Pushing away people who support you and could help you overcome your depression, is a choice.


Staff member
Well it is, unless your genitals move of their own accord (which might be fun to watch). Being gay may not be, but having gay sex is.
Depression is a mental disorder, not a choice.

Pushing away people who support you and could help you overcome your depression, is a choice.
Yeah...again, you're really wrong on that. It's just a simple matter of choosing to push someone away. It's more complicated than that. It's the "fuck it, I'm not getting out of bed to answer the phone. What's the point?" or similar variations of that.


Yeah...again, you're really wrong on that. It's not just a simple matter of choosing to push someone away. It's more complicated than that. It's the "fuck it, I'm not getting out of bed to answer the phone. What's the point?" or similar variations of that.
ftfy for clarity on what I think you intended to say.
Yet you specifically said in this very thread, that it was not accidental, and you were very aware you were doing it. That is a choice.

For those comparing homo sexuality to a mental disorder that has been scientifically proven to be curable, is the funniest thing I've read all week
I always thought that homosexuality was just part of the broad spectrum of humanity, not a mental illness or a choice. I don't see why people get so upset about it. But then again, I'm generally apathetic to other people's sex lives; it just doesn't concern me.

ThatNickGuy , this isn't an expert opinion by any means, but if you're so depressed that you have trouble getting out of bed, that sounds like you don't just need an emotional support network, but actual medical care. I know that just being that depressed makes it unlikely that you are able to seek professional help, but other people can't do it for you. I hope you get some help.
Nickie, had I remembered you were in Maine, I would have popped in to say hi. I was about 5 minutes from the Maine border.
You need to know as much French to come to Montreal as you need Cantonese when you visit Toronto.
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