[Gaming] Diablo 3 : Ser Farm-A-Lot

Considering I could've bought a digital version and have played it ages ago, yes it does. Pah.
Anyway, I'm a regular customer there but for pre-orders or other things where time matters (late Christmas shopping and the like), they've lost me as a customer.


Staff member
Ouch, yeah that's exactly why I preordered.

Also I now have a lvl 56 mage, playing through Act I on Hell difficulty. A couple of pointers for higher end game-play.

1) Gold Find > Magic Find: Magic find gear is already going for tons on the auction house, but tbh I think gold find is way better as you can then go onto the auction house and just buy whatever you want. Also a big chunk of what you get from magic find is additional Blues, which are pretty worthless at the endgame. Gold find gear is cheap at the moment, but my guess is that it's going to be more expensive later when more people wise up.

2) Learn to recognize "blitzing" zones. There are certain zones in the game that guarantee a quick succession of yellow/blue fights or a good concentration of mobs. They also require a nearby waypoint or a checkpoint right before you start it, so you can just leave game->resume game -> blitz -> leave game -> resume game. It's generally faster to do the second one of these solo, the first works decently in a group,

The two I know of right now are:

The hallway leading up to Bellial in Act II. One guaranteed purple fight and one guaranteed blue fight


The cemetary w/ 3 crypts where you find the crown in Act I. AFAIK you have to select a later quest and just use the waypoint since there isn't a waypoint near the quest.

Last night I was making something like 30k every run through the second one of the above (on hell difficulty), which took ~15-20 minutes. Found a unique set of pants too, the "Hammer Jammers". They weren't that good, sold them for 60k. The first one is even better but I haven't hit it on hell diff yet.

Anyways, the blitzing thing will make you feel like a crackhead, but it's pretty good money. Paid for 2 set pieces for me so far.
There's a very good article on Forbe's about the always online issue and how it relates to the RMT auction house. I think they could bypass this by having an offline mode that wouldn't allow character or item transfers, although even then people may more able to figure out exploits or hacks that they could then use in the online mode.
The big problem is the client side data is easy to hack. You could automatically make your Barbarian to level 60 with his own custom items. This happened a lot in the single player game of D2. I know because I took part in it to try out class combos I was curious about but didn't want to level up myself.

Just like D2, Blizzard could just make the two systems separate, and not allow anything from the offline to get into the online. When you think about it though, that just cuts off people from using the RMT auction house, thus cutting off possible income from those players, so it makes sense that it was still a driving factor in making everything online only.


Staff member
Exactly. I mean, sure there's a handful of players that absolutely can't play online ever so they wouldn't participate in the RMT house either way, but I think that there are even more players that would choose to just play offline single player/LAN even if they could play online. It may seem a bit greedy of them to do it, but as the forbe's article points out D3 has a decent chance to canibalize some of their own income from WoW (something I hadn't even thought about), so I don't begrudge them.

But anyways, let's get back to the topic of THE GAME before we get back into the quagmire of of the online issue.

Anyone else gotten to Hell difficulty? I know a lot of folks have complained about aspects of this game being overly dumbed down from previous versions, but when I hit Hell I really came to understand better why they went with the rune system, as well as understanding how well balanced this game is (with a few exceptions). Beating Hell is going to be a challenge on it's own, and will require me to respect before I fight bosses and in different zones (a bit). I don't think I will be able to beat Hell difficulty until I'm at 60 and have gotten some pretty good gear (like lvl 60 rares/sets/uniques). Which begs the question, how do I keep improving for Inferno? From what some people have told me you pretty much have to run in a well organized group in Inferno.

D3 is soooooo much more difficult than any of the previous games, it blows my mind a bit tbqh. I initially stated that I was going to hit hardcore mode as soon as I opened it, and I've definitely changed my mind on that.


Staff member
You would be surprised how many people don't use antivirus (or don't update it). Not exactly Blizzard's fault if you get a keylogger/virus. This happens in EvE quite a bit, they even have a warning on any external links from the forums saying that people will hotlink you to keyloggers/trojans as this was a problem for a while. I would not be surprised if there are a number of D3 websites out there that exist solely to put viruses on your computer so that they can hack your account.
I understand that and I'm guessing it's happening to a lot of people that never bothered with a lot of Blizzard's other games. They played Diablo 2 and now are playing Diablo 3 and suddenly all this grisly shit is happening to them because they have no idea the fucking awful world that MMO's have bred online.
D3 is soooooo much more difficult than any of the previous games, it blows my mind a bit tbqh. I initially stated that I was going to hit hardcore mode as soon as I opened it, and I've definitely changed my mind on that.
I keep hearing that. Funny enough I hear the bosses themselves are not so bad, it's the champion packs that really screw you up in Hell and Inferno.

Here is a video (SPOILERS) of the last boss Inferno kill. Took them pretty much 27 minutes to do it.

What's even more crazy though it this guy below beat that guild by a few hours, and did it solo with his Wizard. I tip my hat to his dedication, but dude, get some sleep.

I wonder how many people are attempting to be the first Hardcore to clear Inferno.


Staff member
Well, this game in particular is going to invite tons of keylogger attacks because of the legalized RMT auction house. Getting access to someone's account means you can (somewhat quickly) steal a bunch of stuff that can then be sold for cash. It may be easy to launder the equipment through the auction house so that it's not trackable (or returnable). You could also buy a bunch of stuff on the RMT auction house w/ their paypal account, launder the equipment somewhere else, and then sell it. Or maybe just drain the targets paypal account into their own (although that seems unlikely).

The only surprise to me is that people are already logging into hacked accounts. It would make more sense to me to wait until the RMT house goes live and then hack it. I bet dollars to donuts there are going to be a LOT of complaints about hacked accoutns the week the auction house opens, because the chaos of that time will likely be the best time to launder equipment.


Staff member
My wife paid our cable bill $34 short. Found out they turned us off today (my son gets paid tomorrow so it's no big deal). So guess what I can't play even though it's single player and I paid for it?

Guess I play Minecraft tonight.
What gets me isn't the myriad of complaints about how people can't play the single-player campaign offline - it's the (usually shouted) rebuttal that "OMG, will you wise up already?! This isn't a single-player game anymore! It's a multi-player game that we just let you single, friendless losers play by yourselves!" Yeah... I've seen that multiple times, in multiple places.
Re: hacked accounts.

Get an authenticator. For realsies.

If you have a smartphone, it's a free app. If you don't, it's like 5 bucks for a standalone authenticator that will protect all of your blizzard games.
They will NEVER release a Lan version of the game because of the massive piracy of Starcraft and Diablo 2 in Asia. People were taking the pirated copies and logging into 3rd party networks for online play instead of Battle.net.
Remember when they used to let you install spawn copies of Diablo?

I guess the face of gaming is just different now. I'm one of the people who has fully embraced the digitization of the medium, but all this Draconian DRM stuff is just plain becoming ridiculous. Of course, now that blizzard has done it, it will be come the standard. Ubisoft tried this already and was met with opposition. Blizzard will have no such hurdle.
Remember when they used to let you install spawn copies of Diablo?

I guess the face of gaming is just different now. I'm one of the people who has fully embraced the digitization of the medium, but all this Draconian DRM stuff is just plain becoming ridiculous. Of course, now that blizzard has done it, it will be come the standard. Ubisoft tried this already and was met with opposition. Blizzard will have no such hurdle.
We are the makers of our own prison.

I hate you, DRM.


Staff member
Piracy is not the reason for the always on DRM. It's because Blizzard is betting on the micro-payments of the real money auction house to generate income. Each time someone uses it and Blizzard takes a cut, they basically get free money. The only way for this to work is to have a foolproof method of ensuring that duping or cheating does not occur. And the only way to do that is to control every aspect of the character for every player.

I fully understand why they are doing it, but I think they went about it the wrong way. To please everyone, they should have had an offline version like D2 had where you stored the character locally. Cheat away, bitch! But if you only played single player or offline you could not access the AH. They still could have controlled the characters for micro-payments, just not offline ones. But instead of doing that and being user friendly, they went super greedy and draconian.


Well, if any other company does that, then Blizzard will steal it and everyone will be happy.
We are the makers of our own prison.

I hate you, DRM.
No, others made this prison for me. What pisses me off over DRM as a whole is that it ends up punishing honest players more than it hurts dishonest players, usually.

I can say with complete honesty that I've never pirated a PC game in my life. I'm not the reason for DRM, it's assholes who do pirate. And I hate them even more than before because not only are they the reason for the DRM, nine times out of ten they have an easier time playing their games than I (a paying customer) do.

I know we have pirates on this forum, and I'd like to give them all a hearty middle finger.
I've pirated games in the past. I've also purchased more games than likely most of the gaming population on this forum combined. Look at my Steam account. I should post pictures of my crates of old video game shit in my basement.
*sigh* and there's a reason I like console gaming.

Had some concerns/doubts about system specs to begin with. Figured I'd be ok, just not able to run it wide open. Figured I'd have better luck on my 2-yr old laptop. Was out picking up some stuff to make Guac @ Meijer & decided to go ahead & pick up a copy.

Get home, pop the disk in and *BWONK* - can't update the installer.

*googlegooglegoogle* - OK - seems to be an issue with AVG Anti-virus. Disable that. Try #2 - *BWONK* Diablo3 needs a newer operating system. Hrm - I have Vista.. what the f... ah, I need SP2. OK - microsoft.com, SP2, download, install. 90 minutes later try #3. After an hour of installing/patching. Finally fire it up and *BWONK* your video card is unsupported. After googling some more I was able to tweak the file so it would be playable.

Get into the game & its laggy as hell. I played a monk for a few levels before I got dumped either by my spotty connection or their spotty servers. So now I'm trying to install on my desktop. Having same issues. First had to update XP to SP3. 2nd try it told me my processor wasn't up to snuff (P4 2.6 when 2.8 is needed - odd since the laptop is only a 2.0 & I didn't get this message on the laptop). It is currently still downloading files even though the progress bar is still at 0%, but I'm sure I'll at least get the video unsupported error if Imake it to the next step. Playability after that is still a crap shoot.

As I said, I had doubts about my system(s) specs before I bought it. I looked them up beforehand, & it looked like I was going to be at best on the low end. My main problem right now is that I have never run into software that refuses to even try to install when it detects incompatability. Not having the updated OS is my fault. Aggravating, but mine. Ultimately not having a kick-ass system is my fault as well. But looking at the list of video cards it's like 70% unsupported, 10% slow performance, 10% low, 7% medium & 3% high. So with my $60 software purchase I'll need to shell out god knows how much for a video card that can run it at low specs, or else just shell out for a new rig altogether.

Or - on my 360 - I shell out $60, pop the disk in, & 60 seconds later I'm playing (not D3 of course)

And to top it all off, I used too much lime juice in the Guac :rage:

EDIT (update): Yeah, no. Did the tweak, got it to launch and I get a black screen with a giant cursor arrow with audio. So no-go on the desktop w/o an upgrade to my geforce 5700LE
Other than the launch day server fiasco, I have had zero problems playing. :problemo:
Me neither.

Yes, the always online stuff was not the best option for the consumer, but I guess a big part of me does not mind it, because I would have likely never played the offline mode anyways (since it wouldn't be open to play with my friends online later, which is mostly why I play this game, it's not really single player to me.) Add on the fact that I prefer dragging my Kindle on trips and just play Angry Birds then lug around a laptop, and even the travel part of the whole issue will not hit me.

Be aware that while this means I can't relate to the rage, I at least understand it. I miss the old days of spawning copies to my friends, and hope Blizzard realizes when they need to draw a line. The faulty start will at least be a lesson to be more careful in the future.


Staff member
I have absolutely no plan to buy Diablo III if the single player can't play offline.

As for the piracy thing... I used to probably be the most egregious software pirate there was. Then came steam 5 dollar sales. I feel like such a sellout. I've even bought games I previously pirated. I bought both dead space games (which I never played) weeks ago and still haven't even installed them yet. Because of TF2, mostly.


Part of me wants to at least try the trial, while most of me hates the concept of "friendly" spyware like the DRM. Ultimately, as much as I'd like to try D3 out, I'm going to have to skip it.
Part of me wants to at least try the trial, while most of me hates the concept of "friendly" spyware like the DRM. Ultimately, as much as I'd like to try D3 out, I'm going to have to skip it.
Mostly curious, but why would you call it spyware? It's obviously a pretty heavy DRM, but the game does not actual spy on your system.


Spyware: Software that self-installs on a computer, enabling information to be gathered covertly about a person's Internet use, passwords, etc.

Forcing me to be online to play is information about my internet use. :zoid:
the game does not actual spy on your system.
Blizzard Entertainment Uses Spyware to Verify EULA Compliance

And then there's this passage directly from Blizzard's "agree or you can't play" EULA:

7. Consent to Monitor:
So yes, they unequivocally use spyware to spy on your machine while you play. They assert that they do so only as it relates to the protection of their interests. Basically, you have to trust that they will stay inside the boundaries they themselves have drawn.
