[TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

So, I only have 2 episodes of Reaper left and I'm extremely sad that this show got cancelled without any chance to resolve storylines.

Basically, screw everyone who ignored it while it was on the air(including me). Reading it's wikipedia entry, it looks like it was one of those shows that fell victim to the writer's strike. Many shows survived only a half a season after the strike.
I'm watching Spiderman and his Amazing friends on Netflix. It's very cheesy but Jet LOVES it.

In this episode the X-Men show up with WOlverine. I find it funny that Wolvie is Australian here...and then was later played by an Australian after he had been tuned Canadian.


Staff member
I'm watching Spiderman and his Amazing friends on Netflix. It's very cheesy but Jet LOVES it.

In this episode the X-Men show up with WOlverine. I find it funny that Wolvie is Australian here...and then was later played by an Australian after he had been tuned Canadian.
Heh, S&HAF was one of my favorites when I was a tyke as well. I have a sneaking suspicion Firestar was one of the formative influences on my preference for women's hair colors later in life. Well, her and Scarlet from G.I. Joe.
BBC Sherlock rocks. Fair warning though, S1E2 is as close to a bad episode as the show has had so far.
S1E3 is EXCELLENT, as are all 3 episodes of season 2.
I'll disagree, S102 is much better than S202. I think the show has kind of disappointing second episodes in their seasons. I liked the second episode a lot. I'm disappointed by that too since Hound of the Baskervilles was my introduction to Sherlock Holmes.


Staff member
I started a whole thread for that a while back. The number one example you're going to get is The Princess Bride. Which is a bit unfair I guess, because the same guy wrote both and he had a career as a screenwriter before writing the book. And the book's not bad. Of course, the movie stripped out the running "life's not fair" bit.


Well, I kind of disagree on the basis of one aspect.

Tyrion in the series is way cooler than Tyrion in the books (as far as I read/watched) and he's the main reason I watched/read it. I'm fine with the "omg gotta see what happens next" method of writing, but there's a point at which it gets drawn out, and after years of Rumiko Takahashi and Robert Jordan style writers, I feel I have almost no patience for that style anymore. Any conclusion, after being dragged along for so long, is going to feel abrupt.

So yeah, I like the show better, but it's because of the one character I really enjoy.

The changes to Tyrion are the changes I like the LEAST about the show. In my opinion, as bad ass as Peter Dinklage is portraying Tyrion in the show, Book Tyrion is way cooler.


*shrugs* Book Tyrion seems like he's less intelligent and far more naive. Show Tyrion wins, in my book.
They took away book Tyrion's intelligence since they either removed the ideas for the defense of King's Landing or made them Cersei's ideas that he co-opted (the wildfire).
I started a whole thread for that a while back. The number one example you're going to get is The Princess Bride. Which is a bit unfair I guess, because the same guy wrote both and he had a career as a screenwriter before writing the book. And the book's not bad. Of course, the movie stripped out the running "life's not fair" bit.
The Little Kuriboh rule says abridged versions of abridged versions don't count... :p

(guess i'm gonna have to read that book now)
Just recently started with Breaking Bad.
"But checkeredhat, why are you just starting NOW?"

I am asking myself that same question. I'm only on episode 5 and this show is seriously gripping.


Staff member
I prefer to start series late now, so I can torrent the whole thing and watch it at my own pace (which is invariably much, much faster than it aired).
Been taking a break from Psych, I understand how it happens, but the first 2 seasons did such a great job actually making the mysteries fair that it's a bit of a disappointment when we're provided yet another flashback clue a the reveal. So what have I been watching? Malcom in the Middle. Good times, good times.
Finished the first three season of Breaking Bad, which is all Netflix has. For a bit there it was starting to get too Dexter-y, but it's saved by the fact that all the other characters aren't complete idiots. And then shit got real.

That show seriously only really gets better. The 4th season is some of the best tv ever produced.

I have to find somewhere to watch it then, I suppose.
If the GTA meetup goes through I might be able to arrange for it to appear on your computer in some way. Maybe.


Staff member
And he's right, I checked demonoid, they don't have full seasons in 720p (though individual episodes are if you want to take the time to collect them yourself).