Summer Heat

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Staff member
I'll tell you what, 100 F is hot no matter where in NA you live. It's especially nuts when you're just south of the 60th parallel, much closer to the arctic circle than the equator.
100F in Albuquerque wasn't so bad, as long as you kept hydrated and in the shade. 100F here? Murderous.

When I called my Dad to wish him happy birthday yesterday, he taunted me with his colorado-85-degree-highs-all-summer weather.
I'll tell you what, 100 F is hot no matter where in NA you live. It's especially nuts when you're just south of the 60th parallel, much closer to the arctic circle than the equator.
I'm certainly closer to the equator than you are, but it has yet to break 90F since I moved here. Oh trade winds how I love you.
Personally, I'm just glad that Mayvember, Juneuary, and Julember are over and it can finally be summer around here. The 4th of Julember always seems to be our cut-off point between late winter and summer. We even had a really nice thunderstorm last night, for the first time in... 4 years. As someone who was raised in places where it wasn't considered a true summer until the average daily temp was 90+, I cannot wait to move away from this damn area.
And it is not the Fall until you have more than 2 days in a row where the temp is under 89F on clear days.
Exactly. And you can be assured that at least 1/2 to 2/3 of the college football season, you'll be sweating your ass off at games, trying to stay cool in the stadium by drinking tons of water/soda/beer. Of course, for us it usually went 1/2 of the season was hot as hell, but after the game you got that nice, crisp autumn breeze, the third 1/4 of the season was rainy and cool, and the last 1/4 was snowy.
Rolling blackouts in Edmonton because our power companies can't keep up with the AC and fan power usage apparently.
Personally, I'm just glad that Mayvember, Juneuary, and Julember are over and it can finally be summer around here. The 4th of Julember always seems to be our cut-off point between late winter and summer. We even had a really nice thunderstorm last night, for the first time in... 4 years. As someone who was raised in places where it wasn't considered a true summer until the average daily temp was 90+, I cannot wait to move away from this damn area.
Well then you are gonna LOVE Louisville.
Well now that I have laughed about living in Hawaii we may have the remains of a hurricane (Daniel) headed our way in a few days. With another one (Emilia) on it's heels, too. Like I need this shit.


Staff member
I'm starting to get seriously concerned about the brownouts. The amount of people that die from electricity shortages in heat waves is no joke.
Here in the SF Bay Area we've been blessed with cool weather. It's been in the 70's and 80's during the day, dropping to 50's at night. It feels more like spring than summer. It's actually unnerving, but compared to what the rest of the country is dealing with I won't complain.

However, September - early October is usually the hottest period of the year for us. That's when it will actually hit triple digits. So maybe we're just saving the worst for last.
Lousy weather in Germany.It is a cool 17°C with no signs of summer anywhere in sight.Send us some of that heat you guys are complaining about.
Today it rained. Then it stopped and the sun came back out. It's like a freakin' steam room with complimentary mosquitoes out here right now! :fu:
When it was hitting 106+ in Colorado it honestly barely phased me.

When we were in Disney and it was 85 with fuckknowshowhigh humidity, I was dying.

Which is sad since I grew up with the humidity, but now I can't take that shit anymore. ;)
Low 90's and rain nearly every day for 2 weeks. Night time low around 80. It sucks to walk out the door in the morning and the air is hotter than inside your house. My old dog balks when the hot humid air hits is face in the morning.
I dont' actually own any shorts. I've been meaning to go buy a pair, but it's actyually been too hot out for me to feel like venturing out to the bus stop. A few days ago it was over 40 degrees. Two days ago, I wanted pizza, but it was in the high 30s out, so I waited for the temperature to drop. 8pm came around and it was still 37 degrees out.
If tomorrow is anything like today, I may actually go do some shopping. Today was only about 25 out.
Can't you buy clothes via the internet?Sometimes if I lack the time,I buy clothes over the net and if I don't like them or they don't fit I can send them back for no charge.
I rarely buy anything online. I don't like paying for something, and then having to wait for delivery, and then if I'm not home/ the delivery guy is lazy/ my cell doesn't get reception at the precise moment he calls/ he doesn't check the mailing instructions and see that it's a basement apartment/ they ship via regular postage and it's too big a parcel, I have to then go out ANYWAY, to pick it up from a distribution centre that's further away than the store is in the first place. Even though I actually hate shopping, it is still preferable to me than shopping online.
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