The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)

I once again present you, with why Canada's TSN is better than your American ESPN:

Edit: As of today, Bell Media has claimed its copyright on all of MrLogue1021's SportsCentre clips on youtube. The best youtubechannel since NickFromFulham got shut down for posting full episodes of QI, gone.

So instead of a clip from TSN, I've substituted my reaction to this news. Please, enjoy:
An Australian running in Spain, with Brazilian colours, broadcast on a Saudi-Arabian TV show, made into a clip by a Dutch company, posted by an American. Man, the global community is efficient at delivering us our daily good-looking girls.
This is why I 100% support the call to have it removed as a default subreddit.
I unsubscribed from that one almost immediately. Also r/ gaming. How many times a week do I need to see "Hey guys, anybody else remember....?" and a picture of a 6 year old video game?
Zero. Zero times is what I need.

*EDIT: Oh hey, that same person has a video about r/ gaming too.


Staff member
It's the meme of the decade - Russian Road Rage dashcams.

The description indicates the car's window was open, incidentally.


Staff member
I'm pretty sure this means you're marked for death, dude. Either that or you're a warlock who has found his familiar.

.... You know, we aren't actually all that different, as I'm sure you know, but I like our Canadian stereotypes. The Canadian equivalent of that would just be 2 minutes of hockey players and lumberjacks apologizing to one another.


Staff member
.... You know, we aren't actually all that different, as I'm sure you know, but I like our Canadian stereotypes. The Canadian equivalent of that would just be 2 minutes of hockey players and lumberjacks apologizing to one another.
Of course! Canadians, being lumberjacks, practically invented the chainsawflail seen at 0:06!
Of course! Canadians, being lumberjacks, practically invented the chainsawflail seen at 0:06!
More accurately, the way Canadian pride works:
A man born in Poland spent most of his life in Russia. At the age of 27 he moved to Canada, where he lived for 3 years before moving to the United States, marrying an Italian born woman who had never been to Canada and living the rest of his life in Wisconsin. His kid invented the chainsaw flail you see at 0:06. Therefore the chainsaw flail is Canadian.
Spanning the generations, courtesy of Jimmy Fallon.
Seriously, it's eerie.

Do you eat Little Baby's?

(the other ones are just as creepy)

Okaaaaaay...kitten chaser!
