RIAA Overlords

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Staff member
Endanger people by driving recklessly? ~$300.
Cost penalty of a not-first-time DUI? <$10,000.
Cost penalty of uploading 31 copyrighted songs to the internet? $675,000. Upheld by federal court.

They're trying to make a point. I don't think the point that comes across is the one they were trying to make.


Staff member
Yeah, they'll get that money. Dumbasses. If they'd change their business model maybe they'd make money by earning it and not lawyering the shit out of people they'll never collect from.


Staff member
Other sites have been talking about getting a kickstarter going to have people chip in on his fine, but to me, that sends a horrible message to the record companies and encourages them to continue shaking down everyone they can.
This will continue to be a problem until people are only exchanging music whose artists never touched RIAA.
This can't happen soon enough.

Seriously, the RIAA needs to be starved to the point where the only people who are left are the ones who give a damn and "get it" OR until their assets end up in the hands of other people who do.

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