[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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Do Multiverse commands work? The wiki sez: /mvm set mode creative
That is exactly how I tried to fix it. It set the creative flag, /mv info shows the game mode to be creative... no creative. In the past this sort of thing was usually caused by new versions and unupdated plugins. Though there's always the chance a config file in multiverse got corrupted, which would be an ABSOLUTE JOY to sift through and fix.


Staff member
so whats the deal is the server working? I was trying to jump on it the other day and it looks like its empty and not working right.
Just popped on; it seems to be working okay, more or less. GasBandit disabled Craftbook, so rails are mostly borked in Ragnar, although that's mitigated by the warp gates. Caprica seems fine. Creativeland, as already mentioned, is no longer creative (by the by, nice octahedron dealie, whoever built it).

The End, however, does seem to have a bit of a problem...



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I got no idea what's going on in The End.

But everything else you also said is also correct. Yes, the server is empty, but yes, it is working right (apart from the end). Craftbook went buh bye, so a lot of the old rails are nonfunctional, but all the new rails are. You can get around with /warp.


Staff member
huh, whenever I log in I just bounce back from anything I try to interact with. I wonder if there's something wrong with how I'm connecting. Is the info on the front page still correct?

ed: Blocks re-appear thing

ed: But its inside the small shitty house I had made way back when, so I can't even open the door to leave


Staff member
huh, whenever I log in I just bounce back from anything I try to interact with. I wonder if there's something wrong with how I'm connecting. Is the info on the front page still correct?

ed: Blocks re-appear thing
What's your username? Maybe you fell off the whitelist.


Staff member
Yeah that's what it was, thanks for helping me out last night. Kind of sad in there now though. Soooooo much work put into building the place, but no one left to play around in it.
I know. I found a really good place and got settled in, but my rec time is spread so thin that I don't even get to play for fun in my OWN server lately.

Ragnar's an interesting place. Kinda devoid of life though. All life, not just other players. Makes it really hard not to starve, but apparently I finally managed to load a new chunk that hadn't been explored, and found tufts of grass so I could plant some wheat. Just realized though, that with the change in recipe for books, I won't be able to make an enchanting table unless I can find some leather in a chest somewhere.


Staff member
Ragnar's an interesting place. Kinda devoid of life though. All life, not just other players. Makes it really hard not to starve, but apparently I finally managed to load a new chunk that hadn't been explored, and found tufts of grass so I could plant some wheat. Just realized though, that with the change in recipe for books, I won't be able to make an enchanting table unless I can find some leather in a chest somewhere.
Ragnar's largely pre-mob at all. Should be a great deal of food around on caprica though. Right near the caprica spawn (/warp capricaportals) the tallest nearby structure should be my vertical farm. You should be able to get some wheat there. God knows I'm not eating it. Grab a chicken or two as well, I suppose. Push comes to shove there might be a cake on the table in the sandstone structure next to it - the little woman's cabin.

There's an enchanting table, I believe, in my seaside palace in the library room. The door's open. Don't make a mess. You can get there by riding a minecart from the caprica transit hub.

In ragnar, at castle gasbandia (/warp gasbandia) there should be food in a chest in the kitchen situated in the great hall.


Staff member
Or you can make a fishing pole. I've always found that or getting apples from trees can feed you while looking for livestock.

And I HATE needing leather for books. In my single player games I've found that you have to get lucky or wander far afield to find cows. You end up having to build near animals instead of where you really want to. Yes, I know you can lure them with wheat, but that's SUCH a huge pain in the ass.
And I HATE needing leather for books. In my single player games I've found that you have to get lucky or wander far afield to find cows. You end up having to build near animals instead of where you really want to. Yes, I know you can lure them with wheat, but that's SUCH a huge pain in the ass.
I had to lure cows from VERY far away in a single-player game I had. Massive PITA because for no reason whatsoever, occasionally they would just stop following the wheat. Once we (was doing the single-player-hosted, so my wife was playing with me) got them to the pen though, breeding worked well.


Staff member
I've got a big pen full of cows, pigs, sheep and chickens just south of caprica spawn, by my farm tower. Whoever wants, take. The world ends in 65 days anyway.
I just remembered; anyone know what happened to that big surprise project that noaxark was working on? I seem to recall he was saying something about video editing...


Staff member
They can live on forever on your hard drive. LAN them with your friends.

Shutdown grows ever closer. I dunno if anybody's still playing there or not, but if anybody wants the maps I'm hosting backups of them at gasbanditry.com.

Ragnar 332.6 megs

Caprica 226.6 megs

Skyworld 6.7 megs
And the Millenaire mod makes for an interesting re-foray into the land of blocks. VERY CPU INTENSIVE however.


Staff member
Wasn't sure whether or not to put this in the DayZ thread or not, but whatevs. There's a new mod out there called MineZ, which is basically DayZ but in Minecraft. If you have bought Minecraft, you can play DayZ, you just need to join one of the public servers here. There are also private servers for those who donate. One interesting thing is inventory, health, etc. is persistent across all servers.

Haven't checked it out myself since the whole zombie survival thing isn't my cup of tea, but I thought some of you guys might be interested.
I finally got around to trying this last night and I think I might be hooked.

Other players are such bastards. I tried playing live-and-let-live for a little while, but it's becoming much more clear to me now that the only way to really get anywhere is to murder everyone before they murder you. (And run your square ass off away from anyone with better gear than you)


Staff member
Very interesting! If this is relatively inexpensive, I may open one up again and allow people access in the Mojang network.


Staff member
It doesn't sound very different from what you can accomplish with LAN hosting and hamachi. 4 invites only and all that.
It doesn't sound very different from what you can accomplish with LAN hosting and hamachi. 4 invites only and all that.
I'll be really surprised if that turns out to be permanent, and not just a testing feature, given that they only gave it out to certain people.


Staff member
Yeah, the 4 is only for testing. But what I think would be different would be the ability to list this within a Mojang server listing. So the place wouldn't be as empty.


Staff member
Yeah, the 4 is only for testing. But what I think would be different would be the ability to list this within a Mojang server listing. So the place wouldn't be as empty.
If we'd wanted it to be crowded, we could have advertised it on several minecraft related boards/sites at no cost and disabled whitelisting... but that opens up a whole 'nother ball of wax. Frankly, right now administrating any minecraft server that isn't straight vanilla is a nightmare every single patch because there's no stable API (and we've been promised an API for years now) and every new version means all the plugin writers have to update their forcefully injected code.

So, if you want to pony up for this service, I guess go ahead, but I'm warning you... it will either be a populated vanilla grieferfest... or exactly what we had before - a custom, secure, one-version-behind ghost town.
we also all ran out of things to do, and life and all that too. eventually with no one on I felt like there was little reason to join a server when I could build by myself without it.


Staff member
we also all ran out of things to do, and life and all that too. eventually with no one on I felt like there was little reason to join a server when I could build by myself without it.
Yeah, once I finished my third ginormous home, I sort of started losing interest in the game. Of course, it got rekindled by the Millenaire mod a couple months ago, but that's murder on whatever box is acting as server because it's coded like shit. Seriously, running millenaire on my quad core pretty much keeps all 4 cores at 100% all the time, and I have to make sure NOTHING else is open (no steam, no browsers) or it crashes all the time. And it's buggy as hell within the game, too. So, not quite ready for "prime time" so to speak.
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