Wyrmrest Accord WoW Guild Sexy Fun Time.

I haven't checked out Outland on Dark Iron since the expansion came out. I should do that. My monk will be out there in a day or so anyway.
FYI, I've been working on my Horde priest on another server so I can see what the storyline from NR through CAT is like for the Horde side. if you need guild stuff like invites and such, go ahead and add me to your friends list:

There just didn't seem to be many nodes. There is a ton of competition in Howling Fjord but at least I can tell there are quite a few spots to mine. How is Cataclysm for mining?


Staff member
Cata mining seemed to be okay. Sholazar Basi is still a race, but it almost always has been. The guys I saw there were all from our server so don't know if no GRZ or if I was lucky.

Oh, and I hit 89 last night, my JC is now 600 and the Guild is level 14.

It was a productive day.

I had a good run as well last night. I queued while mining and got a bunch of upgrades! Mining is around 365 but I can't remember. Looking forward to doing my engineering run soon. My Druid will be a miner permanently but she's only 60.
The CRZ on my realm is basically non-existent in lowbie areas. Went from 12-25 on my monk last night without seeing a single other person. Might be because the panda rush is over now though. :p
I'm on Wyrmrest right now... trying to see about joining. Not sure who to talk to or channels to join (hell I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to do. My character's name is Rathanael, battlenet ID Azurephoenix#1539)
I'm on Wyrmrest right now... trying to see about joining. Not sure who to talk to or channels to join (hell I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to do. My character's name is Rathanael, battlenet ID Azurephoenix#1539)
join channel TCBooc, and you'll be able to talk to whoever is online at the time
I've been having a great time with my Horde priest. I totally forgot how different the Horde vibe is from the Alliance.
Does anyone on our server have any spare Fel Iron, Adamantine or Cobalt? For sale/trade for 600 level enchants and eventual engineering projects?

I only need less than 20 of the first two. I will be making many return trips to Borean Tundra for Cobalt I think :)


Staff member
I may be off the next couple nights. I've been neglecting my familial duties. But I'll still be around a bit.
My wife and I might be on later tonight. Depends how we are feeling... our whole family is sick right now so we may go to bed early.

It's not like we can contribute a lot right now but we are slowly levelling up (around level 22 now).
I'm usually only on weekends with the occcasional weekday play session depending on class work. I have you on my friends list, pheonix, so If I see you on, I'll message you. I can invite into the guild.
We only have a couple people who can invite, and they're not on much right now. I'd like to keep playing in the guild, but with no one actively trying to get new people outside halforums to join we're gonna die pretty quick.

I'll post my realID tonight, in case anyone wants to look me up Horde side. I'm pretty sure the chat channel won't go cross faction.
I'll try joining on my horde tonight and let you know. My ID is in the Diablo thread if anyone would like to add me as well.

Has anyone been able to reach the GM?
I tried joining our chat on my undead girl and Pioty couldn't see me. But I'll join when I'm on so maybe we can have a horde version too?

The good news is that my gnomes can use the pets I catch as a horde!!

also: Squidleybits#1946 is my ID.


Staff member
Damn it Shakey! I was on for a while tonight and you weren't there! I was gonna invite you & everything.