Recent content by nfldraftman

  1. nfldraftman

    Monday Night Football Irony

    Anyone else find it ironic that last night during the MNF Titans-Jags game, after spending a lot of time talking about helmet to helmet hits, how bad they are, how people are going to be suspended, etc etc that they then celebrated Titans defensive coordinator Chuck Cecil and showed a montage...
  2. nfldraftman is a drama llama?

    They just added Icewind Dale Complete for $9.99 to the list...
  3. nfldraftman

    At MadCon, an ailing Harlan Ellison will say goodbye

    this I purchased the massive tome The Essential Ellison many years ago, and you can pretty much randomly open it and start reading to find a great story.
  4. nfldraftman

    Atheists the scum-dogs of the universe...apparently

    Brother Jed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This was the religious blowhard that always showed up at my campus back in the day. One of the old-school fire and brimstone ministers who believed we were all going to hell for the most ridiculous of reasons. I used to get some great promos from...
  5. nfldraftman

    I found a job !

  6. nfldraftman is a drama llama?

    Damn... with Civ V and Starcraft 2 eating up chunks of time, it will be hard to find time to play Baldur's Gate again...damn that was a good game. Planescape: Torment I never played (to much regret) and if/when that is available I'll probably be all over it.
  7. nfldraftman

    CIV V drops Sept 21, 2010

    Went to Gamestop on the 21st and was told very knowingly and assuredly by the gal working there that Civ V did NOT come out until Wednesday, the 22nd. In fact, she got an email on it. EMAIL. That convinced me. Strange...I went home and downloaded it from Steam. Very strange. <end...
  8. nfldraftman

    Halforums Secret Santa 2010 - Discussion herein

    I would also like to participate if I qualify. Life has been rather tumultuous lately, and this might be the high point of my holidays...
  9. nfldraftman


    When that clip surfaced it was like they took it right out of Donnie Darko. Sparkle Motion anyone? Now that was creepy...
  10. nfldraftman

    It Was Going to Happen Eventually - Westboro Baptists Drive-by Pepper Spray Targets

    It Was Going to Happen Eventually - Westboro Baptists Drive-by Pepper Spray Targe Would it be assault if a dozen cross-dressing males junped out of a van and sprayed them all with silly string?
  11. nfldraftman

    The Last Exorcism

    Just wanted to hear people's thoughts if they had seen it. It has gotten a respectable 70% on rotten tomatoes, but my date and I were thoroughly underwhelmed by it. Didn't think it was all that scary or clever, and the ending was poor, in our opinions.
  12. nfldraftman

    Star Wars Blu-Ray

    I am proud to say I still own the original trilogy in its pristine state in letterbox VHS. And I have not and will not buy the "fixed' versions of something never broken. Well, except for the muppets in RotJ. But he never fixed that. Yes, the quality is shit, but sometimes being a stubborn son...
  13. nfldraftman

    Well Shit...

    Congratulations! My cousin has three girls and they are all just now moving into college. He survived it, so there's hope for you yet! You could even add another to your unholy army of the damned...
  14. nfldraftman

    The Spoiler Thread!

    A Kevin Spacey three-pack Usual Suspects - Verbal is Keyser Soze Se7en - Gwyneth Paltrow's head is in the box American Beauty - The repressed gay marine neighbor shoots Lester
  15. nfldraftman

    God damnit....I'm getting old

    You don't know old until you...uh...what was I going to say?