Random Video Game Crap

For some reason I just had an intense memory of the Dos version of Doom outputting the line "Init DOOM refresh daemon" when you first started it up. Back when I was a young'un I figured it was a humorous reference to waking up all the demons so that I could kill them in-game. Later on I learned that daemons are an actual thing in software, which made this line seem like a deliberate pun.

I have no idea why I had a flashback to this line just now. I haven't even played Dos Doom since, like, the turn of the millennium. Also I still don't know what daemons do.
For some reason I just had an intense memory of the Dos version of Doom outputting the line "Init DOOM refresh daemon" when you first started it up. Back when I was a young'un I figured it was a humorous reference to waking up all the demons so that I could kill them in-game. Later on I learned that daemons are an actual thing in software, which made this line seem like a deliberate pun.

I have no idea why I had a flashback to this line just now. I haven't even played Dos Doom since, like, the turn of the millennium. Also I still don't know what daemons do.
A daemon is just the early terminology for a background process, it's what Windows today calls a "service." Although it dates all the way back to the 60's, it was really popularized in Nueromancer and Cyberpunk because it sounded cool.


Staff member
Saw a skeet about ShaderGlass, a program to put a CRT effect over any program.

I was momentarily excited, until I followed the link and learned that it's based on RetroArch's shaders. Yeah, not messing with that steaming pile of shit. Clearly it is possible to achieve all sorts of cool effects, but the UI is horrible. The directory layout is nonsensical, the naming scheme is completely unhelpful. There are no comprehensive guides. If you want to use shaders in RetroArch it has to become your new hobby. Either it's a cryptic puzzle game to figure out, or I assume there's a community to follow obsessively until you learn how to use shaders by osmosis. There's no reliable way to use RetroArch's shaders casually.
TIL there was a Captain N comic book, and in that comic book Samus tries to abscond with Kevin right in front of Princess Lana.

Excuse me, I have a fanfic to go write.

I have the feeling Samus will blaze Kevin's path of glory and he will walk awkward for while.
I just finished Alan Wake 2. Either the game isn't that scary, or taking anxiety medication makes it much easier to play horror games.
I just finished Alan Wake 2. Either the game isn't that scary, or taking anxiety medication makes it much easier to play horror games.
I never really considered Alan Wake to be horror. It's more thriller, with some psychological dance numbers.
Spoiler: Each game is technically single-player BUT...every individual NPC is being trained by the actions of one of the people playing one of the other single-player games out there.

Secret of Mana came out in 1993, which is closer to the release of the Beatles's first album than it is to today.
Secret of Mana came out in 1993, which is 5-1/2 months further from Halforums' founding than Halforums' founding is to today.
Sooo...that means as of September 4th, 2025, we will be further from Halforums' founding than Halforums' founding is from Secret of Mana.



Staff member
Secret of Mana came out in 1993, which is 5-1/2 months further from Halforums' founding than Halforums' founding is to today.
Sooo...that means as of September 4th, 2025, we will be further from Halforums' founding than Halforums' founding is from Secret of Mana.

A funny thing happens if we consider the community we now call "halforums" predates the name.... For example, I joined the PVPOnline comics forum in 1999 back in the forumopolis days... Which means a greater amount of time has passed since I've been "here" than between then and the election of Jimmy Carter as president.