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  1. Tiefflieger

    New Angels! May 14th, 2014

    Ha! This is the comic that just won't die! :D Seriously though am I the only one who's not surprised to see updates again? I find your lack of faith... disturbing. :p I mean, Peter went on record multiple times, saying how much he wanted to finish the story...
  2. Tiefflieger

    New Angels Comic!

    Oh ye of little faith! I knew the comic was not dead! Just like I knew Hammer was not dead! Actually, I didn't know either, but hope springs eternal, yes?
  3. Tiefflieger

    Part 7 - Comic 38

    Ha! Thanks Han, that page made me actually laugh out loud! ;D
  4. Tiefflieger

    Part 7 - Comic 33

    Angels 2200 » Blog Archive » Part 7 – Comic 33 Ah damn you Pronto for being so very clever! It only took them a whole friggin' year before anybody told Lance to "warm up Croissants", which apparently was the code word that triggered the message...
  5. Tiefflieger

    Part 7 - Comic 32

    Indeed. Lance looks rather alarmed, doesn't he? :D
  6. Tiefflieger

    Part 7 - Comic 29

    Seems like being naive runs in the family. But then, Mary would really do well to remember what she was like herself "before". Wasn't it actually all fun and games for her?
  7. Tiefflieger

    Part 7 comic 28

    Yep, someone's about to get her head set straight. Well, "action" and "adventure", that's the usual recruitment propaganda, what else would a teenager like Cora know about the war? Kid obviously hasn't told her much. Let's hope Whiskey won't be too hard on her.
  8. Tiefflieger

    Part 7 - Comic 27

    First thing I thought: Holy sixpack-abs batman, Whiskey is turning into a new version of Loser! :D
  9. Tiefflieger

    Part 7 Comic 26

    Now that is just not right!D:
  10. Tiefflieger

    Part 7 Comic 21

    Is it me, or did Quetz gain some weight? Might be of course just the ever so slightly change in the art over time, but especially her face seems rounder to me. Well, spending most of her time playing computer games, drinking banana coke, might do that to you. :p
  11. Tiefflieger

    Part 7 Comic 20

    <nerdrage>You know that archers, orcs and forests are a common element in pretty much every fantasy setting? There's nothing specific to Warcraft in those pictures. It actually doesn't look a lot like WoW at all! That's no elf and the game doesn't have human hunters (well, okay, up until the...
  12. Tiefflieger

    Part 7 - Comic 17

    The art is changing because there are two illustrators working on the cominc now, namely Peter Haynes (aka Hansagan) and Jana Hoffmann (aka Nuriet).
  13. Tiefflieger

    Part 7 - Comic 17

    Well, there was this one page in the first part where Kid actually writes a letter home in english with a french accent... ;D
  14. Tiefflieger

    Part 7 - Comic 16

    Aaand there's Cora! Ain't she a sunshine! :D I wonder whether Whiskey did finally grow up, or if she's just completely broken. Probably a bit of both.
  15. Tiefflieger

    The Angels2200 Official Handbook

    Angels: EE refers to the role playing game we had going for a while back on the old forums. You can read about it here:
  16. Tiefflieger

    Part 7 - Comic 15

    There's one missing! Where's Cora!? :)
  17. Tiefflieger

    Missing pages / missing fillers

    If there's still something missing, feel free to have a look at the emergency mirror I set up a while ago (about half a decade or so) when the official website went down. It should be mostly complete, and I think I also got most of the fillers. I know it's a hell to navigate, but hey, it was...
  18. Tiefflieger

    Check in New members (And old returning members)

    Hey Charon, na wie geht's? :) Thank god you're here too. I feel a lot safer already with all these strange people, with you around.
  19. Tiefflieger

    Check in New members (And old returning members)

    Actually, I am known to occasionally produce quite extensive walls of text. You have to be aware: I'm a geek. And like most geeks, I can be a smart-ass (Well, sometimes. But a harmless one I assure you, not one of the annoying types!). I'm one of those people who tend to express themselves...