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  1. Hylian

    [Thread Game] How will you die?

  2. Hylian

    If Emrys was a creepy old man.

  3. Hylian

    I am 32 today and lonely

    Happy birthday! I hope your day gets better :)
  4. Hylian

    Happy birthday, Far!!

    Happy birthday! :D
  5. Hylian

    [Question] How are you?

    I have been doing pretty good although my free time has almost vanished due to my new job. My old job closed the site I was working at but I luckily managed to get a job at another site nearby but sadly it is a sixty mile trip each way so until I can save up enough to move closer I have been...
  6. Hylian

    HF Secret Santa 2014: Better Late Than Never Edition

    That was from me, I asked them to include a gift note for you but it must have gotten forgotten somehow :/
  7. Hylian

    HF Secret Santa 2014: Better Late Than Never Edition

    I have a smartphone and have already assembled the DoDoCase VR and it is awesome :D
  8. Hylian

    HF Secret Santa 2014: Better Late Than Never Edition

    So I came home to find a package waiting for me!! What's inside? Thank you @klew! First up is a LEGO minifigure! A Weeping Angel (I was afraid to look away for awhile) A pound sign/hash tag A melting snowman! A wrapped package! What...
  9. Hylian

    HF Secret Santa 2014: Better Late Than Never Edition

    @Celt Z, you have been paged
  10. Hylian

    HF Secret Santa 2014: Better Late Than Never Edition

    @evilmike, @Cajungal ,@Officer_Charon you have all been tagged by anonymous people
  11. Hylian

    [Important] LittleSin: The Christmasing

    It says they randomly selected my account for extra protection. But when I try to verify the information so I can unfreeze it it's not working. I suppose I could call them but it is all so annoying.
  12. Hylian

    [Important] LittleSin: The Christmasing

    PayPal decided to freeze my account is there any other way to donate?
  13. Hylian

    The EPIC WIN Thread 3: SON OF EPIC

    Last week I applied for a job within my current company and they just called to tell me that they are offering me the position and are sending me over the details! It will require me to move closer to the Seattle/Bellevue area eventually (cause I am sure the fuck not driving 120 miles a day)...
  14. Hylian

    Want to help my wife win an office decoration contest?

    done and done :)
  15. Hylian

    [Brazelton] R.I.P. Elizabeth Peña

    Man, there seems to be a lot of famous people dying lately
  16. Hylian

    Dating soon after a break-up

    I have been broken up for about six months and I am just now feeling like I want to go out and date again but each person and relationship is different.
  17. Hylian

    Halloween '14 pics!

    This was me trying on my costume, although I may grab a few accessories for it. (and yes I know I need to align the bones better next time I put it on)
  18. Hylian

    New Picture Thread

    Here is a "It's Friday and I am bored silly selfie"