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  1. North_Ranger

    For Mikko

    Dammit, you're gonna make me cry, aren't you?
  2. North_Ranger

    [Important] North_Ranger's Wacky Tumor Thread

    "With a tumor, you gotta have humor". I think that would be disastrous, Dave. The Internet still recovering from your flappy hooeties :D
  3. North_Ranger

    [Important] North_Ranger's Wacky Tumor Thread

    Anwers I'm gettin'. They just all happen to suck. I've been put on stroke observation, meaning that I am being constantly monitored for signs of further hemorrhaging - to the point I am forbidden to leave the bed even to take a dump. How I manage that without the use of adult diapers or by...
  4. North_Ranger

    [Important] North_Ranger's Wacky Tumor Thread

    Update. Getting worse. Can not feel my hands, nor my legs. Fearful of all hell. Gonna get a new CT scan. Likely it has bled worse. I'm scared. Dictated to my mom on my iPad. My right hand is completely useless.
  5. North_Ranger

    [Important] North_Ranger's Wacky Tumor Thread

    Quick update. My life is currently a major bitch. Last night I lost the feeling in my right hand fingers. Then my hand. The my arm. CT scans today showed I had suffered hemorrhaging my brain, effectively turning right hand from the instrument of my art into a limp, aching sack of noodles. It...
  6. North_Ranger

    Welp... (Leyla has joined the battle)

    I reckon the feds have had this place flagged ever since they learned about Operation Minotaur Pe... aaaaand I can't make that joke here. Not so close to baby Leyla.
  7. North_Ranger

    New Picture Thread

    HEY! @Morphine , you're back! Hold still so I can hug ya!
  8. North_Ranger

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

    There is not enough high-lighting in the world to make that last panel any less groan-worthy. It's an old joke stolen from better comedians which doesn't even work properly in the context.
  9. North_Ranger

    [Webcomic] The Order of the Stick thread

    Actually, it's an HD* blood plasma screen. *HD stands for "hell-damned".
  10. North_Ranger

    [Webcomic] The Order of the Stick thread

    Fare thee well, Nale of the Goatee... *starts playing Goodbye, England's Rose on Spotify*
  11. North_Ranger

    [Movies] The Upcoming Movies Trailer Thread

    Whoa... Those new antibiotics I'm on must be some serious shit. I could have sworn I just saw a trailer for a horror movie about a black guy coming back from the death as a terribly articulated racist doll.
  12. North_Ranger

    [Movies] Star Wars: Episode VII

    With Jar Jar Binks providing the necessary street cred, I presume?
  13. North_Ranger

    The Crimson Claw Wants You!

    ... It's the bespectacled guy right in front line, left-hand corner, isn't it? God, I feel so stupid now. *forehead smack* ... OWWW!
  14. North_Ranger

    [Movies] World's End

    That would be my guess. Though I do like Run Fat Boy Run, too. Paul... Not so much.
  15. North_Ranger

    The Crimson Claw Wants You!

    I'm seeing no head scars yet. So I'll wait.
  16. North_Ranger

    [Movies] World's End

    The trilogy?
  17. North_Ranger

    [Movies] World's End

    Knowing the kind of dickwads Finnish movie distributors are like, I have to wait until the film comesout on DVD. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... :(
  18. North_Ranger

    *childish laughter*

    Nonny-nonny is vagina in the 1620s? Man, that completely changes Shakespeare...
  19. North_Ranger

    How do you lose yourself?

    In no particular order... Taking a nap. Watching a movie. Playing play-by-post Pathfinder in the Order of the Stick forums. Just started running a Reign of Winter campaign for a bunch of especially awesome players. Cooking used to be a relaxing activity in the past, but now... well, two...
  20. North_Ranger

    [Important] North_Ranger's Wacky Tumor Thread

    Well... fuck. Got the results of my last CT scan back. The tumors in my lungs have grown, and there's a new one in my one good kidney. Gonna have to see the sarcoma specialist next week to discuss changes to my treatment. I kept hoping the best, but apparently the last two months when I didn't...