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  1. tegid

    [TV] Winter HAS COME! - A Game of Thrones

    'Hiding' Tyrion may be smart, treating him badly is not, it just shows he is emotional about him... The intelligent thing would be to convince Tyrion to be a 'head in the shadows' for his house after he is gone. That would make Tyrion happier and, thanks to that, get the most out of him for the...
  2. tegid

    [Gaming] Board Game Praise

    Dixit is an awesome game, especially for playing with people who are not used/don't like tabletop games that much.
  3. tegid

    Are there non-religious reasons to be against same-sex marriage?

    Going back on my points, and answering to Steinman's last post: Apparently society has more or less accepted single parent families as valid families (for instance, here in Spain they have benefits comparable to the ones of large families). Isn't it comparatively unfair to accept these and not...
  4. tegid

    Sexism vs bullying: FIGHT!

    Haven't you? Or have you never NOT interpreted it that way?
  5. tegid

    Are there non-religious reasons to be against same-sex marriage?

    I understand the point Stienman is trying to make, but I think it is largely undermined by the argument Charlie has so succinctly exposed. A much stronger point against the 'traditional marriage' as argumented here is this: I can understand that you may want to provide the best possible...
  6. tegid

    [Gaming] Board Game Praise

    I have a specific thought: It's an awesome game! It's a bit hard to play as a cylon the first time though, because you can't ask about the rules, etc, if you want to stay undercover (no one knows who the cylons are), plus the humans can collectively devise strategies whereas you are on your own.
  7. tegid

    [Other] The not so funny pic thread (some NSFL or gore)

    In any case, the point of the infographic is exactly that in classes where some kid has special needs, there's a support teacher for them. I love the Finnish education system, but unfortunately I don't think it's easy to copy since there are many cultural an political factors supporting it. For...
  8. tegid

    Ohio school shooter is sentenced, is also straight evil

    What if he had shown a modicum of remorse only because he thought it benefited him? What if this is the opposite case? Maybe there's remorse there somewhere. (I'm trying to make any point)
  9. tegid

    [Food] Eating is for chumps, says 24 year old engineer

    Oh no we aren't, it's not like they mention it in the interview or anything! ;)
  10. tegid

    Town Covers Up Gang Rape to Protect High School Football Season

    I certainly agree. I think Espy's post is spot on, actually. What I meat to say is that in this case the bigger problem is that one, and the (ir)responsible adults surrounding this have responsibility for: 1-Bringing up the kids with these 'she had it coming' ideas, 2-Having the football players...
  11. tegid

    Town Covers Up Gang Rape to Protect High School Football Season

    Is that a rape joke? :awesome: This, so much this. Of course alcohol is a factor, but the ingrained thought that when they have less self control is alright to do this kind of thing is the real problem.
  12. tegid

    The Pope resigns

    I think this is relevant... Yes, he is very anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage etc. and that's awful, but what the hell, who expected anything else?
  13. tegid

    The Pope resigns

  14. tegid

    The Pope resigns

    He's also a jesuit. That's good too in my opinion.
  15. tegid

    The Pope resigns

    It's the argentinian guy. I read earlier today that he was the more progressive alternative to Ratzinger in the last election so that's good. EDIT: It was not one of the most expected.
  16. tegid

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

    Yeah that's awful. I'm sure they are paying her a lot of money for the high quality work though :rolleyes:
  17. tegid

    Path of Exile (Diablo 2's real sequel)

    Isn't it the opposite? Because the lower level monsters have apparently more probability of giving orbs, it may have been worth it to trade some future chances of getting them for increased chances with those slow level monsters? I guess it depends on the exact quantitative nature of that 'gimping'.
  18. tegid

    [Webcomic] Webcomic Appreciation Jamboree

    I, for one, like most of the feminist crap, but I understand it's almost been a 180 from what sinfest was.
  19. tegid

    Path of Exile (Diablo 2's real sequel)

    I think this kind of argument makes a lot more logic inside the logic of the game. Would another way of putting it is that those sword nodes are almost useless for a while?
  20. tegid

    Path of Exile (Diablo 2's real sequel)

    I read somewhere that this was a game by hardcore gamers for hardcore gamers. I read that as 'the necessity to plan is purposeful'. Besides this, on the whole swords discussion, meh. In Diablo, for instance, you had many weapons that were class specific, didn't you? Here that wouldn't make...