Search results

  1. Soupy

    Elite: Dangerous exploration - Weekend at Barnard's Loop

    Lots of negative/mixed reviews on Steam, though the game still intrigues me. 3 days left on the sale to decide.
  2. Soupy

    Pen & Paper Role Playing Games

    I've had some students ask me to run a D&D club for them the last few years (Grades 5-8) and for next year i've been using the 5e players handbook to guide them through character creation. Been really fun thus far. Having never played D&D before it's been a learning process for sure, I started...
  3. Soupy

    Stellaris | 4x Space Grand Strategy

    Up to last night, I would not have been able to respond as I've always played on giant maps and thus never really got very far into the mid game. However, I do think it's totally valid after running a tiny galaxy last night. The expand or do nothing thing is honestly the only thing I could do...
  4. Soupy

    Stellaris | 4x Space Grand Strategy

    My Arctic Space Turtle Empire was slowly and steadily expanding their shell power. Until a race of mushrooms using fancy lasers and warp drive completly bi-passed my defensive fleet that uses hyper drive technology and thus took the long way to return to my home system along the hyper lane...
  5. Soupy

    Stellaris | 4x Space Grand Strategy

    Hey folks, I know there are a few 4x'er strategy gamers out there so I thought I'd give this game another mention. Paradox Interactive, creator of the Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Hearts of Iron and the Victoria strategy game series' have ventured into space with Stellaris. The game...
  6. Soupy

    What are you playing?

    Stellaris released today. Super excited. Tried to get an early media copy but my 38 sub YouTube channel just not big enough ;) ha ha Lots of great streams and youtube videos up lately on the game. #makespacegreatagain Hope all you 4x'ers give this a look.
  7. Soupy

    Master of Orion 1 in your browser

    Yikes, just knowing there were some MoO fans here I reposted without poking around too much. Feel free to delete if it breaks any rules.
  8. Soupy

    Master of Orion 1 in your browser

    Found on Reddit, You're welcome. I still prefer 2, but hard nostalgia hit here.
  9. Soupy

    What are you playing?

    Getting very excited for Stellaris. May 9th release date but I've been following it since it was announced. I'm a big fan of Paradox Grand Strategy games and will sink money into this the moment it's available on Steam. The new Master of Orion game also looks good but Stellaris looks that...
  10. Soupy

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    I had a 13 priest, took an hour or so of casual questing to hit 15. Less than 40 min in dungeon finder for the last 5 levels.
  11. Soupy

    What are you playing?

    I've been swept into the Aurora 4x fever that has swept onto the feeds of a lot of the strategy YouTubers I watch. The spreadsheet game is a little Dwarf Fortress, with some sweet sweet Space 4x Distant Worlds-type epic'ness. I'm fascinated by this game though at times I'm totally lost and...
  12. Soupy

    [TV] The Doctor Who Thread

    So wife and I have a chance to see this year's Christmas special in Theater on Monday, but we haven't watched the latest season. Should we put off seeing the special until this season hits Netflix and watch it later on, or grab it while it's in Theater? Could also see Star Wars a second time...
  13. Soupy

    Abridged Shenanigans

    Came across this which was pretty cool: Dragon Ball Z: The Fall of Man Wasn't horrid, better than that Evolution movie a few years back.
  14. Soupy

    Games of 2016 - PC Version

    Stellaris - paradox game. space. I'm in. Legion - WoW. I'm a horrible human bean with no will power.
  15. Soupy

    X-Com 2 : Anticipation Station

    I was terrible, though enjoyed X-Com, as well as the original. I'll likely toss my hat in for the sequel.
  16. Soupy

    [PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

    I've gotten back into WoW in the last few weeks and echo your earlier thoughts ScytheRexx, love the garrison and all it's casual solo goodness. Legion looks intriguing enough that I preordered it.
  17. Soupy

    What are you playing?

    So I accidentally re-subbed to WoW after doing the 10 day trial for WoD. As a mainly solo casual player, I'm enjoying the garrison as well as the story line through questing. I even pre-ordered Legion. I'm so disappointed in myself. Also still stumbling around in Crusader Kings II...
  18. Soupy

    Fallout 4 - Power Armors for EVERYONE!

    Waiting for good pay day to hit so I can pick this up!
  19. Soupy

    What are you playing?

    It does! All the old servers have been archived, and when you access your old characters on them they have you transfer it to one of newer servers. Not sure how many they have or if there's cross server stuff, but they put me on Ywain 9 so there's at least 9 servers. I couldn't find...
  20. Soupy

    What are you playing?

    Just restarted my DAoC account at the behest of a friend who wanted to run around there for a bit... I had deleted all my characters before I quick many many years ago to make it easier to stay away so I walked back in pretty blind. Seems like a totally different game now. They tried to...