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  1. Soupy

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

    I found Critical Role to be a bit 'busy'. Had a hard time figuring out who's who and what's what. I did enjoy Matt Mercer running Force Grey however. D&D podcast wise, I've been a big Critical Hit fan (4th Ed game that's been running for years. Fantastic DM, players are mostly ok) and more...
  2. Soupy

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

    Though I've missed Wil Wheaton, Patrick Rothfuss has done a great job transitioning into the group. I didn't enjoy Morgan Webb's foray as much. I'm wondering if they may bring Wil back now, or have Kris Straub sit at the table. Whatever gets me more AI podcasts to listen to during my drive to...
  3. Soupy

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

    So apparently Binwin is done with Acquisitions Incorporated as well, to focus on his minions.
  4. Soupy

    What are you playing?

    Beyond Earth had a bunch of unneeded baggage? Honest answer no idea. I'm too pissed off at Spain at the moment for forward settling my capital then bitching at me that my units are too close....
  5. Soupy

    What are you playing?

    I gave in, bought it after selling some no longer used stuff on Kijiji. Promptly got my ass rushed and handed to me on Prince difficulty.
  6. Soupy

    What are you playing?

    Civilization VI tomorrow...
  7. Soupy

    [PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

    I've been buying out Living Steel and Ghost Iron like crazy lately on my engineer to make Sky Golem mounts. Takes 30 days to create one with the 1 a day cool down, but man oh man, that 90k gold is beautiful. Living Steel is on avg going to 750-1000g per bar on my server, someone put up 15...
  8. Soupy

    [PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

    I tried it out today, had a whole 2 viewers at one point whoooo. A buddy of mine checked it out via his phone, said it was pretty choppy. Work in progress for sure.
  9. Soupy

    [PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

    From what I've read, it looks like there will be an option to choose where to stream it to. Perhaps Facebook is just the trial? Proof of concept and should it go well Twitch and YouTube partnerships may follow? *shrug*
  10. Soupy

    [PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

    Sooo, anyone streaming via Facebook? The launcher now features that option. Not sure the majority of my Facebook friends would be interested in watching me cycle through alts at invasion points though.
  11. Soupy

    What are you playing?

    Made by a fellow Canadian as well ;)
  12. Soupy

    [PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

    Small world lol. Known Craft all my life and am still in touch with Maia. Craft started playing again as well. He blames me.
  13. Soupy

    [PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

    Yep, from day 1.
  14. Soupy

    [PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

    Ok so I'm not THAT alt crazy. Holy moly awesome.
  15. Soupy

    [PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

    Im hoping to get some characters that have been stuck in the 20's forever to around 60 before all is said and done. It's been awesome seeing an actual populated world in WoW again... And folks helping each other.
  16. Soupy

    [PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

    Currently doing this right now!
  17. Soupy

    [PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

    Hot damn did they ever do a great job on The Broken Shore. Both the scenario and the in-game cinematic's are fantastic!
  18. Soupy

    What are you playing?

    I've been playing a lot of RimWorld again since it's steam release. I haven't played since I backed it's Kickstarter many years ago so it's been a bit of a curve getting used the new systems.
  19. Soupy

    What are you playing?

    I've got about $40 left in my steam wallet.. I've been kicking around the idea of Elite: Dangerous after reading the thread here, but Empyrion also looks tasty... maybe No Man's Sky? Civilization VI is due in the fall too.. I have no idea what I want.
  20. Soupy

    [PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

    I keep hoping for Tokens to go below 40k so I can buy a few more months of gameplay. I'm sitting at about 212k on 3 lvl 100's and am currently paid up till August 21st due to past tokens. Have a monk at 97 and a rogue at 92 but no real urge to level in the last few months. Also i'm a huge...