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  1. sixpackshaker

    [TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

    I watched the FRIENDS reunion show... so much nostalgia.
  2. sixpackshaker

    A Loki Place for Spoilers

    The coaster was a hexagon!!!
  3. sixpackshaker

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I've gotten at least 8 spoofed phone calls today from "Amazon" today, from my mobile phone's exchange. I've held on the line long enough to tell the same girl to go fuck herself. She would not let me speak to the manager.
  4. sixpackshaker

    Weird weather

    Should have been Canada.
  5. sixpackshaker

    Minor victory thread

    We normally get the day off, but there is no accommodation for the 19th falling on the weekend.
  6. sixpackshaker

    Minor victory thread

    I wish Texas would give us the day off tomorrow.
  7. sixpackshaker

    [Brazelton] Ned Beatty (1937-2021)

    Ned Beatty had the hardest part.
  8. sixpackshaker

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Son, you are going to drive me to drinkin'
  9. sixpackshaker

    New Picture Thread

    Dude, you are wrong about that age, she's like 3 right? I feel old...
  10. sixpackshaker

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    Or his Depends are full again.
  11. sixpackshaker

    All your guns are belong in this thread.

    I just bought the cheaper rifle... sorta. Now I have to decide what to do with the poverty pony I have rocked for the last 4 years.
  12. sixpackshaker

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

  13. sixpackshaker

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    K-Coke in the South.
  14. sixpackshaker

    All your guns are belong in this thread.

    I recently found WWSD (What Would Stoner Do) on Forgotten Weapons on YouTube. Which lead me to InRangeTV. Which led me to Brownells. Now I want to buy a $1600 rifle. Dammit I want one. But there is a slightly cheaper version that is all right handed like a normal AR-15. I can't decide if I...
  15. sixpackshaker

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    And, Matt Gaetz is a Pedo.
  16. sixpackshaker

    Weird weather

    Well, I got a it has rained at least every other day for 3 weeks piss and moan... I am slipping all over my front yard when I take my dog out. I have an inch of water and a foot of mud to deal with.
  17. sixpackshaker

    [TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

    The Clone Wars. I always thought I have seen the vast majority of the episodes. I don't even think I have seen half of them now.
  18. sixpackshaker

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    My boy does not fart very often, but they smell bad too. Unluckily for me, sometimes his farts sound like a bicycle horn. It is quite amusing.