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  1. Morphine

    Minor victory thread

    No I don't ¬¬ Although I think it wasn't really about how pleasant or nice my voice is, I'm thinking it had more to do with pronounciation, I don't really have an accent. Whatever, thousands of people from 4 different countries will hear my voice everyday when they call and THAT is pretty...
  2. Morphine

    Truth or Dare

    Oh I remember very clearly the first thing I wanted to be: A singer astronaut
  3. Morphine

    Truth or Dare

  4. Morphine

    Truth or Dare

    NULL! Sorry it took me so long... As a child, what bothered you the most about your parents? What would you tell your 8 year old self if you met him now?
  5. Morphine

    The EPIC WIN Thread 2: EPIC HARDER!

    No es justo ¬¬ ¡Habla!
  6. Morphine

    New Picture Thread

    I agree. And two experts can't be wrong.
  7. Morphine

    Rant VI: Now Drama Free

    There should be an "Epic fail" thread (is there?) I would be kind of the queen of that thread ; _ ; I got quite drunk yesterday, I met with 2 friends and 2 other girls I didn't know, at some point, one of my friends said: "Oh, do you know @____?" and the first thing that came out of my mouth...
  8. Morphine

    The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

    Keep trying. I can assure you she must be dying to tell someone everything she has inside but just doesn't know how to. My sister and I are like that too, but I'm glad she pushes me to open up otherwise I know I wouldn't do it, it's something I've always struggled with.
  9. Morphine

    Truth or Dare

    =O That is a really good question... Uhm, let's see... he'd probably have Calleja's face (that beard, that smile, that baldness... uh, so hot) or ernesshou's, he's cute too. Officer Charon's or ThatNickGuy's body Chaz's and Dave's humor and wit Gusto's attitude and sweetness Tin's multiple...
  10. Morphine

    Truth or Dare

    it's turn for a dare but I'll take truth, I'm too busy for a dare =/
  11. Morphine

    Truth or Dare

    Null! Truth or dare?
  12. Morphine

    Minor victory thread

    They just asked me to record my voice saying some scripts for the company's invoice, it felt nice, I guess they like my voice. I feel all important-ish and stuff n_n
  13. Morphine

    Whose got a crush on a fellow forumite here?

    It's been a while since I've had any type of crush, I'm starting to forget what it's like... =/
  14. Morphine

    Truth or Dare

    BORING?! Knitting for stray dogs?! that's like one of the coolest things anyone can do, I bet the stray dogs in your neighborhood are the envy of the town. Truth =) // wait, no! it's Null's turn!
  15. Morphine

    Truth or Dare

    Of course I meant you, silly :wub:
  16. Morphine

    Truth or Dare

    Calleja is the only one I know, actually. I like a lot of you guys, CJ is obviously one of my favorites but for example Chaz really makes me laugh, Bumble seems like a lot of fun, Dave is quite witty, my bisexual part would love to meet shego and Xiao, my protective side would love to give Dusty...
  17. Morphine


    Not rotted but "fermented", kimchi is fermented too.
  18. Morphine

    Truth or Dare

    Bumble! Tell us 4 things at which you really really suck and 2 opposites.
  19. Morphine

    Truth or Dare

  20. Morphine

    Truth or Dare

    For the 146th time: IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!! Sheesh, I'm starting to feel like mr. There'snothingfloatingwestofAcapulco here. GS you have to truth or dare someone else first to get in the "queue"