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  1. Reverent-one

    [Console] So the Wii U just got a release date...

    Given that you just described a better version of the situation the Wii had to deal with, since it never had graphical superiority (or even equivalence) in it's run, that doesn't exactly bode ill for the Wii U.
  2. Reverent-one

    [Console] So the Wii U just got a release date...

    They won't at launch anyway. But there also are no games available at launch that can use a second one, so North American people aren't missing out on much.
  3. Reverent-one

    [Console] So the Wii U just got a release date...

    Nintendo's already stated that it can support 2 Wii U pads.
  4. Reverent-one

    [Console] So the Wii U just got a release date...

    Huh, I saw the same thing. Looks like it's only in Japan that it's not coming with a sensor bar. Either that or Kotaku is totally wrong.
  5. Reverent-one

    [Console] So the Wii U just got a release date...

    Understandable, but it seems like no console maker considers extra controllers neccessary. And given that the alternative is to raise the price of the package by including things that not everyone will need, it looks like the best option.
  6. Reverent-one

    [Console] So the Wii U just got a release date...

    So you're good if you already had a Wii, and if not, you'll either need to buy a less than $10 sensor bar and a $40 controller or two for multiplayer, or a $50-75 non-Wiimote controller. Seems pretty standard for a console.
  7. Reverent-one

    [Console] So the Wii U just got a release date...

    Hard to say at the moment how much you'll need two of the gamepad controllers. You'll only need two if the game is designed to use two of them, otherwise normal Wiimotes/Wii Pro controllers are all you're going to need.
  8. Reverent-one

    [TV] The What Anime Are You Watching Thread!

    Which one did you watch? And I don't understand your last sentence at all, Seven? Of what?
  9. Reverent-one

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Or perhaps they're simply confident enough to laugh at it, even if it pokes fun at them. Like D&D players who enjoy Stephen Lynch's song. Not saying you should like it, but perhaps you shouldn't dismiss everyone that doesn't agree with you as people you should pity.
  10. Reverent-one

    Thought experiment

    This is also true. I just figured he was referencing the wrong verse anyway, as he was, and decided not to bring up unneccessary points.
  11. Reverent-one

    Thought experiment

    And at other points he clearly says that he is the only one (like Deuteronomy 4:35 and Isaiah 45:5-6), does that help clarify the gray area?
  12. Reverent-one

    Thought experiment

    Notice the lack of "before me" (not that it would change the meaning in this context, but still, that was your claim about the translation). So how does that verse prove (or even imply) that God is admitting to other gods existing before him?
  13. Reverent-one

    Thought experiment

    Some would claim that. Others would disagree. Little can be proven one way or the other.
  14. Reverent-one

    Thought experiment

    So basically: "Dude, this one book says it, it must be true!"
  15. Reverent-one

    Thought experiment

    No, it's not. The translation is "You shall have no other gods before me" and the meaning is clear. I'll let wiki cover the details.
  16. Reverent-one

    Thought experiment

    No, he's saying not to worship any gods other than him. The commandment is "You shall have no other gods before me", or alternatively "You must not have any other god but me" or any other translation that says to not worship any god other than him.
  17. Reverent-one

    Thought experiment

    The point is that the potential for God to take away our agency doesn't actually take it away until the point at which he uses that potential. Until that point, we're acting under our own control just as much as if the potential wasn't there.
  18. Reverent-one

    Thought experiment

    "Can't" and "doesn't" are two very different things, you shouldn't get them confused.
  19. Reverent-one

    What Heroes did you want to see slapped around?

    Sorry if I wasn't clear, I was only bringing up Aunt May as healing her was another thing that was impossible in the Marvel universe, since Spider-man basically went to everyone who's anyone and no one could help him.
  20. Reverent-one

    What Heroes did you want to see slapped around?

    Really? I thought he had officially not caused any deaths of innocents. Oh wait, that was a retcon in WWH to make Hulk even more the victim, wasn't it?