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  1. Neon Pirate

    [Rant] This Work Week

    Hope you can avoid that sequel OC! You have me cracking up at the term headglocking!
  2. Neon Pirate

    Whats for Dinner?

    If you should make it up the coast to Delaware I would be happy to take you and hubby for or make you cheese steaks. Warning...this is a deeply religious experience that will change your life and ruin any possibility of enjoying some second-rate false Philly steak junk that anyplace else will...
  3. Neon Pirate

    Whats for Dinner?

    Yes but that's only the Pope. Dammit man we're talking Cheese Steaks here!
  4. Neon Pirate

    Whats for Dinner?

    Ms Marvel you may be lovely and often in costume and you've had my vote so I will ask you not to curse like that. Cheese Steak and Subway do not even below on the same page, 'tis cruel the horrors some places will try to pass off as the religious experience that is a real Chesse Steak.
  5. Neon Pirate

    [News] PETA try to convince kids not to eat turkey

    Won't work one bit there! My wife is Chinese and makes the most awesome General Tzo's cat! The dog is always nervous. He knows what in trouble really means!
  6. Neon Pirate

    [Question] So, I don't play Skyrim.

    And dammit no pity anything even possible here! :) Yeah, I know I'm an odd creature who would rather be on a soccer field or on the water instead of a gaming gods and society approved entertainment outlet but I will just have to find a way to live with myself. The rum helps. A lot.
  7. Neon Pirate

    This is why I hate Apple

    And here I am ordering the iphone 4S since I've tired of repairing my blackberry. Hope you end up with an upgrade!
  8. Neon Pirate

    [Question] So, I don't play Skyrim.

    If you're a bad person, I'm a horrible individual through and through since I don't play any computer or video games. The lack of gaming probably has nothing to do with it, I'm horrible in any case. Old school tabletop Shadowrun nerd fests on those rare occasions when I actually get to hang...
  9. Neon Pirate

    Woot! 1950's Coca-cola machine, acquired!

    That so rocks! Some family history...worth way more than the collector's money.
  10. Neon Pirate

    How was your weekend?

    Pretty damned good! Spent Friday night and Saturday chauffeuring kids between marching band and Job's Daughters events, did a bunch of cleaning and one daughter baked the puppy a carrot & peanut butter cake for his 1st the costumes together and then the wife and I headed to...
  11. Neon Pirate

    Good Cosplay Thread - pt3 - The Pros of Cons

    Not everyone, can't say I'm a Deadpool fan, and I am at a different office so I can vote again from here.
  12. Neon Pirate

    [News] 3 eye fish!

    Didn't know if it had developed any other extra sensory input as well!
  13. Neon Pirate

    [News] 3 eye fish!

    But how did it taste? There was no mention of flavor or recipes in that article!
  14. Neon Pirate

    Good Cosplay Thread - pt3 - The Pros of Cons

    Voted again from the office, will vote from any client sites I get to as well.
  15. Neon Pirate

    Anybody tried power parachuting or powered paragliding?

    And so much stranger! Yep. John Denver went up and down in an experimental class kit plane with known problems (bad valves) and should not have been flying it improperly for conditions. I've flown experimental and production aircraft and in any case you have to do a lot of careful checks and...
  16. Neon Pirate

    Your Greatest Pranks

    That, LittleSin, just rules!
  17. Neon Pirate

    [Other] New Puppy - With pics! (was Craigslist thread)

    You got it Tress but you took all the fun out of that one! Yep Caribou is my pup, there is a picture of him locked in an epic battle with a feisty blue crab on page two, well until he figured out that he could just step on the crab. Now that Ranger would be hysterical! So far the only deer...
  18. Neon Pirate

    [Other] New Puppy - With pics! (was Craigslist thread)

    Very nice! We managed to house train Caribou in two weeks. Hope yours continues to go smoothly! Got to agree with the Ranger on this lack of pictures problem!
  19. Neon Pirate

    New Picture Thread

    Shego that dress looks great on you, or you in it, how well did it work? Kagsin the red lipstick suits you quite well and lovely blurry or not! Nick you've made me jealous I want to do some ziplining and climbing! It is too much fun! The knee is nearly there so I'm hoping that I can make my...