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  1. Neon Pirate

    Mystery Improv.

    Congratulations, have lots of fun with it!
  2. Neon Pirate

    Wikileaks founder unhappy about unauthorized released memoir

    This is great! That piece of walking fecal matter is upset because someone is publishing unauthorized (though he did get paid for it and sign a contract) "entirely uncorrected or fact-checked" information about him? Yeah, Chibi nailed it, karma is a bitch and he deserves the bitch-slapping.
  3. Neon Pirate

    SJ Coffee Shop Cited for Nude Waitresses

    My trip to Dunkin' Donuts this morning was now such an incredible letdown.
  4. Neon Pirate

    SJ Coffee Shop Cited for Nude Waitresses

    Talk about starting the morning right! Vitamin C (caffeine) is an important part of a balanced breakfast!
  5. Neon Pirate

    Banana Runts

    LittleSin please tell me that Granny did not provide any other medical treatment! Not into candy and chocolate gives me skull crushing headaches but I opened this thread expecting to see midgets climbing banana trees! Now the tiny yellow penises are scaring me, mostly because I have this...
  6. Neon Pirate

    Come on, Irene (formerly about the VA quake)

    Hope your apartment is dry and intact KO! Went down to the C&D Canal yesterday evening to see how bad things were there and the access roads were dry (did find some mud to play with the truck in) but there are still plenty of areas flooded out and without power. As of this morning Delmarva...
  7. Neon Pirate

    Come on, Irene (formerly about the VA quake)

    Tell me this: If a drop of rain threatens to fall in sunny California why does that start the whole damned state screaming into storm watch panic and a complete inability to function? We'll probably just roll through yet another hurricane this weekend. Come on over. Was it really that bad...
  8. Neon Pirate

    New Picture Thread

    Now you just need the 1940s pilot headgear and a cigar shaker!
  9. Neon Pirate

    The Maine Solar System Model

    You have got to do it! Post a few flyers around campus and maybe you'll meet some cool people. Definitely use Phil's intro line!
  10. Neon Pirate

    I just ate a stromboli

    When I'm in Boston it's Cambridge Brewing Company for beer and some of their excellent menu choices. And beer. Never had a steak bomb and when I get that way or points North it's all about finding good lobster or lobster roll. Been to Caruso's while up that way for soccer tournaments and they...
  11. Neon Pirate

    Israel unrest...

    Guess peaceful protests just don't get the ratings.
  12. Neon Pirate

    New Picture Thread

    Just rolled through this thread some fantastic pictures! Heatherling the boots are awesome, as is the model! Morphine your pictures are incredible, you managed to outshine that beach...hope your return trip was good looking forward to more of your pics. Amorous Eyes looks like it was a good...
  13. Neon Pirate

    One favorite band

    As much as I am amazed by Bowie, who is one of my absolute favorites, it would have to be the Rolling Stones. Some excellent choices and taste here though I think Philosopher B has us all beat on musical depth and soulfulness.
  14. Neon Pirate

    I want one of these!! Air Swimmers!

    You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have air sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads! Okay, had to be done, but I really want one of these!
  15. Neon Pirate

    Question for you musically-inclined folks.

    We always used real guitar, pretty easy to record directly into garage band.
  16. Neon Pirate

    Don't pee on that jellyfish sting!

    Only? Where is your dedication? Never let your dreams die! Just...not near me please...
  17. Neon Pirate

    Don't pee on that jellyfish sting!

    Not go into the sea? That would take a lot of the fun out of surfing, sailing, bodyboarding, jetskiing, playing with my crazy dog in the surf and lots of other cool things! Just spent a week in the Outer Banks, North Carolina, with jellies all around us and despite their company and a few very...
  18. Neon Pirate

    New Working Environment...Weird.

    Problem wasn't the cursing, you used a big word they didn't understand instead of just calling them shitheads so they felt inferior. Great phrase! Keep doing it, maybe you can educate a few of them!
  19. Neon Pirate

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    Jiarn you can cool that easily, unless the room gets hot open air and ambient temperature should be fine. I've done a few similar, one just because I had drywall screws and was bored while waiting on a job site. Yeah, probably about as proper as rubbing the sticks of RAM together to get them...
  20. Neon Pirate

    Your state is an absolute disaster.

    My state being a disaster has more to do with my fellow citizens and the local inability to drive than it does with mother nature!