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  1. Mr_thehun

    Introduce Yourself!

    I feel like I've lived lifetimes in this life o mine. 1725403640 I've been considering it. But not sure where to begin.
  2. Mr_thehun

    Introduce Yourself!

    Not sure this wild ride will ever end but eh it's been fun. @bhamv. Sort of? I now do a speech every morning for about 200 people so there's that...
  3. Mr_thehun

    Minor victory thread

    SunBandit. Rolling sunbeamz
  4. Mr_thehun

    Introduce Yourself!

    Nah but I did get some cool photos.
  5. Mr_thehun

    Minor victory thread

    So do you still steal gas?
  6. Mr_thehun

    Minor victory thread

    Small win. I bought an electric car.
  7. Mr_thehun

    Minor victory thread

    Do you need to change your username?
  8. Mr_thehun

    Introduce Yourself!

    Yeah I keep getting sucked into life. Got divorced Jan 1 2020. Lost everything. Had some suicidal ideation. Decided to become a door to door salesperson to get over my fear of talking to strangers. Quit that, dated a stripper for a couple months. Took my life savings and traveled to...
  9. Mr_thehun

    Introduce Yourself!

    Long time no see halforum. Ya remember me?
  10. Mr_thehun

    I made a game!

    wow thank you. in the future when you do yours. remember to breathe. this past month has been a blur... what do you want to kickstart?
  11. Mr_thehun

    I made a game!

    by the by i will be backing you today when i get home. Any recomendations on what i could do with it? I have a raspberry pi ive never used....
  12. Mr_thehun

    I made a game!

    Thanks Adam! When is your kuckstarter launching? I just checked sorry. its live now everyone. checke out Adams Kickstarter!
  13. Mr_thehun

    [TV] American Gods

    I dont want to pirate this. I want to give them my money so more gaimen gets made.
  14. Mr_thehun

    [TV] American Gods

    holy crap where can i watch this in canuckland. in China id just go buy the dvds from the guy in the trench coat. though torrents are making those guys go the way of the dodo bird.
  15. Mr_thehun

    I made a game!

    now almost at 60%. these things are quite an emotional ride. for anyone considering doing a kickstarter. I have plenty of advice fo you of what we would have done differently.
  16. Mr_thehun

    Please critique my Kickstarter video

    yeah these things are stressfull and there are always costs that you dont take into account untill you are well into the midst of it.
  17. Mr_thehun

    Please critique my Kickstarter video

    kickstaeter is stressfull eh. have you had a previously successfull campaign?
  18. Mr_thehun

    Please critique my Kickstarter video

    nice looking video
  19. Mr_thehun

    [Gaming] Board Game Praise

    what a beutiful game. ive been cursing it the entire time weve run our own campaign for sucking up all the cash but. ill probably have to back it.
  20. Mr_thehun

    [Movies] Logan - spoiler discussion

    correction. shes trying to get out of america and escape to the paradise of canada