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  1. ElJuski

    I'm bored with work and life in general...

    I think I'm still just shaken up from that one time I stumbled into the NSFW subforum.
  2. ElJuski

    BH is so sexy omg

    I KNEW when I posted that I'd hear something from you, Sheg ;)
  3. ElJuski

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

  4. ElJuski

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    well you learn something new everyday.
  5. ElJuski

    Yo Bumble

  6. ElJuski

    Yo Bumble

    No Gusto, you are the one I go to for Achewood / Community references. Which are cooler, anyway.
  7. ElJuski

    Does such a twitter/facebook app exist?

    it does NOW *yoink*
  8. ElJuski

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    makare your punctuation is devolving ever so slightly, I've realized. First apostrophes, now commas...lawdy lawdy.
  9. ElJuski

    BH is so sexy omg

    I need a cigarette.
  10. ElJuski

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    Top five shitty things, I think, are pictures with words that over-explain what the stupid picture is even about to begin with. Top ten, at least.
  11. ElJuski

    BH is so sexy omg

    HEY NOW! Your hands weren't tied behind your back.
  12. ElJuski

    BH is so sexy omg

    You were quite the popular girl, if I remember correctly.
  13. ElJuski

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    Which is why I kind of give props to the guys that did Texts From Hillary. They flared up overnight, even got to meet Hillary, and then called it quits.
  14. ElJuski

    I'm bored with work and life in general...

    Tin posts in a thread, flip a coin. Heads, it's probably something lecherous and creepy. But as far as, RE: the thread, no time to be bored yet, being in my mid 20's, and finally getting going in my career (albeit a weird version of it). For me it's been a pretty good life lesson to try new...
  15. ElJuski

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    demotivational posters are the worst.
  16. ElJuski

    Yo Bumble

    With Bumble gone, all of my awesome under-the-radar allusions will be lost upon the masses.
  17. ElJuski

    BH is so sexy omg

    LOL now if only that bukkake happened, eh BananaHands?
  18. ElJuski

    [Halforums] Whatever happened to...

    Man I wish I had the time to do that, because that would be awesome. Now Goose, you were part of that wonderful Boy From Sellers Hall stuff too! :3
  19. ElJuski

    [TV] Stand-up comedy

    shortlist, being Louis CK, Patton Oswalt and the other Comedians of Comedy, Birbigs, Stella (duh), and of course, (which got Steve Martin kicked off the Tonight Show for several years) and of course "Cat Handcuffs", which I can't find anywhere, but whose best is, "And you can't return 'em...
  20. ElJuski

    WTF Moments

    Darkest Timeline.