Search results

  1. Cat

    The 50 Most-Viewed Wikipedia Articles

    That's a pretty sad list.
  2. Cat

    Yee-HAW! Yahztee does a 2.5-D Hoedown!

  3. Cat

    Hey Frosty Susan, the Beatles suck!

  4. Cat

    My Blog Problems

    The forward slash should be correct.
  5. Cat

    Confuse Google Ads

    I'm not getting any variety from their ads elsewhere. Left my adblock off on another forum and saw * Eating Disorder Forums We Can Help With Our High Quality Programs. Join Our Mailing List. * NAVY for Moms The Site for Mothers of Kids...
  6. Cat

    Say Something About the Previous Poster XI: A New Forum

    ^ could be healing him
  7. Cat

    Say Something About the Previous Poster XI: A New Forum

    < was ninjad twice
  8. Cat

    Say Something About the Previous Poster XI: A New Forum

    ^ may be a maritime lawyer
  9. Cat

    Confuse Google Ads

    Eek, if you cycle through those ads you'll find
  10. Cat

    Confuse Google Ads

    Please don't waste my fucking time with endless emails. These are plain old cinderblocks, for fuck sake. You don't need to do an engineering study on the feasibility of using these fucking things as building material. That's what they're for, you fucking idiots. Now listen, we're all busy people...
  11. Cat

    Confuse Google Ads

    Yeah I should have put a warning around that.
  12. Cat

    Confuse Google Ads

    I didn't believe in ghosts until I was 9. I thought it was just stuff adults made up to scare us. I grew up in south Florida and although most of the buildings and houses there are pretty new, there are a few older places like St. Augustine, which is actually one of the earliest U.S. cities. My...
  13. Cat

    Apple building anti-virus into Snow Leopard

    :rofl: He looks like a screenshot from The Thing.
  14. Cat

    Inject a banana with ice cream

    What other amazing forgotten technology could there be?
  15. Cat

    Say Something About the Previous Poster XI: A New Forum

    Is my favorite SWGEMU Promoter.
  16. Cat

    So uhh..

    All I need is my thermos. And an endless supply of American Psycho quotes.
  17. Cat

    So uhh..

    As we arrive at Halforums I'm on the verge of tears as I'm certain we won't get a decent thread. But we do; relief washes over me in an awesome wave.
  18. Cat

    Hey! All of you Guests and Lurkers!

  19. Cat

    So, New Bookmark Already?
