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  1. Cat


    Kick-Ass is going to be my Transformers.
  2. Cat

    Video game questions and advice thread

    I'm fine with that rule. The music is never used well, it's just been something annoying to play over gameplay vids or a collection of random anime clips.
  3. Cat

    TinEye Image Search

    Pretty nice, I searched with this and found this
  4. Cat

    The Random Crap Thread
  5. Cat

    The Random Crap Thread

  6. Cat

    LucasArts Teasing X-Wing, Tie Fighter Announcement

    Tie Fighter > X-Wing Flying with Darth Vader is still the greatest moment in Star Wars video games.
  7. Cat

    FF14... a MMO without any XP?!

    That's a good point, I tend to unjustly generalize JRPG fans as levelup grindwhores.
  8. Cat

    FF14... a MMO without any XP?!

    Seems interesting but I'm unsure if Square can pull it off without pissing off 90% of their fanbase.
  9. Cat

    Brutal Legend setlist.

  10. Cat

    Recommended Comics PDF

    Good thing you found that. The Spider-Man recommendation reminded me that I have to find JMS's Thor run.
  11. Cat


    Still haven't played Spelunky but I did own the game Spelunker. [youtube=][/youtube:2tb3ud6t] That death jingle will never be forgotten.
  12. Cat

    Screw presents,I want an Indiana Jones Cake!!(geek cakes)

    I've always liked the way Mignola draws the undead. Seeing that style in cake form is just perfect.
  13. Cat

    Isitdownforeveryoneorjustme fails.

    Works fine for me, how big of a file?
  14. Cat

    The Geek debate that will not die.

    Star Trek is better sci-fi but Star Wars is more fun to play with.
  15. Cat

    What are people afraid of?

  16. Cat

    Steam will be down on Thursday

    :laughing: By the title I thought it would be down all day, just made sure my offline mode didn't expire.
  17. Cat

    I just registered a domain name!

    sweet name
  18. Cat


    Sounds pretty awesome, may check out later.
  19. Cat Has An Estimated Value Of $1708.2 USD

    Seems pretty accurate.